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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Next Steps

Completing the Scheme can help young people stand out when they are applying for jobs, apprenticeships or further education opportunities. Upon completion, the next best step will be different for every individual, depending on where they are in their Scouting journey. Here are some of the opportunities available to them:

The fifth and final section in Scouting is Scout Network. Each District can have one Scout Network, providing an opportunity for 18-25s to scout with a flexible approach. District Scout Networks organise projects and events under the themes of International Scouting, Community and Adventure. 18 to 25 year olds in Scouting can also belong to the UK Scout Network. This means they can still get involved with Scouting, even if away at university, working or starting families. It is a flexible, opt in or out approach, allowing members to join in with specific events and projects that suit their needs and interests with a pay to play approach.

On completion of their set time working towards an award, it's important that any Young Leaders who are non-members are given an opportunity to join Scouting. For them to continue as a Young Leader once their set time is over, they must be registered as an Explorer Scout.

The ESYLs’ Scheme is a great way to train young people to become excellent section leaders, assistant section leaders and section assistants. Through undertaking the modules, they are gaining many of key skills required for running a section. By carrying out their missions, they are putting this learning into action. If ESYLs later decide to take on adult roles, they will therefore not need to start their training from scratch.

It's important to recognise that ESYLs will have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience throughout the Scheme. As usual, a conversation should be had to establish the knowledge and confidence levels of any new leader. They may have gained evidence that can be used towards the validation of a training module in their adult role, although they will need to explain how this is

The guide in Appendix A at the back of this resource explains how knowledge and skills gained in the Explorer Scout Young Leaders’ Scheme can be used as prior learning towards the Adult Training Scheme.

The skills and knowledge ESYLs develop whilst leading a section will be transferable to a wide range of roles within Scouting. At 18, members can join Trustee Boards, become managers or supporters in Scouting, or take on the role of Youth Commissioner. To give back, an ESYL may like to get involved with delivering the Scheme in the future, or they may like to sit on the District Trustee Board to help influence and shape the future of the Scheme locally.