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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Manage Maintenance and people

Manage Maintenance and people

Manage Maintenance

It is a good idea to appoint one person to manage the undertaking of any work being done, even if others are actually carrying out the work. This ensures jobs are carried out in a coordinated manner, authorized by one person and can be properly controlled. For example this might prevent two groups of parents working on two different projects at your Scout HQ from putting each other in danger because one is repairing a bit of roof and the other decorating the room below.
Keep records of any works or maintenance carried out. This helps to prove, if needed, how regularly the premises is maintained and allows you to plan what needs to be done. It may be necessary to use a Contractor for certain work.


The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA) applies to all people employed at work and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations identify risk assessment as the tool to decrease the chance of an injury or ill health occurring. The perception could be that since a Scout Group does not normally have any paid employees this legislation does not apply. Certain parts of the HASAWA may however apply to volunteers and other members of the public on Scout premises.

The Group hire someone on a regular basis for example to clean the premises. In these cases if the Group has not hired that person as an employee but as a contractor for service the full implications of the HASAWA will not come into play. In case of doubt seek legal advice. Legislation requires adequate employers liability insurance to be arranged for paid employees e.g. cleaners/caretakers/campsite managers even if a benefit is given in exchange for their services. If in doubt, contact Unity Insurance Services for further advice.

Managing Contractors Working on Scout Premises

Read about managing contractors working on Scout premises