Managing Contractors Working On Scout Premises
If you are using contractors to work on your event then you have responsibilities to ensure they operate safely – for their sake and for that of others involved.
(FS320011) (Published November 2024 replacing June 2020).
If you are involved with a Scout property it is likely that from time to time, somebody will need to undertake checks, make repairs or improvements to the building or property.
If you are a Trustee (Group / District / County / Area / Region) that has the responsibility for a property then you will also have a duty of care for anybody, volunteer or contractor, who undertakes work on the property or building.
The term Contractor is likely to include: (Principal) Contractors; Sub-contractors; Service providers; Self-employed staff and Consultants. In summary, it applies to anyone or company who are carrying out work or providing a service on your premises who aren’t an employee, volunteer or visitor.
Sharing good practice
Nationally, Scouts’ UK headquarters operates across a number of sites and uses a Code of Practice for Contractors, which contains information concerning working practices and requirements expected of all contractors when they are working on Headquarters premises. The Code is also a useful tool for guidance about safer systems of work.
An example Contractor Code of Practice
In this Code of Practice the term contractor is used collectively to include, but not limited to the following:
- (Principal) Contractors
- Sub-contractors
- Service providers
- Self-employed staff
- Consultants
This document is based upon the version used by Scouts’ national headquarters to fulfill its responsibilities as a workplace for health and safety. Please feel free to use it as a starting point for your Group, District, County or other area of Scouting for which you have a responsibility.
The example Code of Practice is in a format designed to enable you to amend it as necessary but we would advise you to have your version checked by your legal advisers.
Example code of practice for contractors
Download it here