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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Protecting our environment

Supported by WWF

WWF's newsletter for 13-17 year olds

WWF-UK have just launched a brand-new newsletter, especially for 13-17 year olds. It's great for if you need some ideas for how you can work towards your Community Impact Staged badge and to find out more about how you can support WWF in bringing our world back to life.

Sign up to the newsletter

Step one: identify the need

Habitat hunt

Explore the effect of habitat loss in this fast-paced game.                                  

Ages: 4 to 10½ | Takes: 25 minutes

Play habitat hunt

Seek out nature

Get outdoors and find out more about the creatures living on your doorstep.        

Ages: 6 to 18 | Takes: 1 hour

Seek out nature

Double trouble

Pair up to prosper in this climate change challenge as we explore the effects on planet Earth.

Ages: 4 to 10½ | Takes: 10 minutes

Run double trouble

Fly your flag for the planet

Flag up issues and share your promise to help improve the natural environment in your local area.

Ages: 4 to 18 | Takes: 30 minutes

Fly your flag for the planet

Plastic or prey?

It’s dinnertime at sea, but someone has put plastic on the menu! Can you pick the plankton from the pollution?

Ages: 4 to 14 | Takes: 30 minutes

Play plastic or prey?

Tomato journey

Embark on the journey of the humble tomato and learn more about how far our food travels to get to our stomachs.

Ages: 4 to 10½ | Takes: 30 minutes

Run the tomato obstacle course

Step two: plan action

Build a sustainable future

Create a positive vision of your community in the year 2023, as we learn about how to make where we live sustainable.

Ages: 4 to 18 | Takes: 1 hour 30 minutes

Build a sustainable future

Nurture nature

Come up with ways to give something back to nature in return for all it gives us, by encouraging local biodiversity.

Ages: 6 to 14 | Takes: 30 minutes

Run nurture nature

Focus on nature

Take or make pictures that capture nature at its best, as we learn about connecting with the natural environment.

Ages: 6 to 14 | Takes: 1 hour 30 minutes

Go on a photography nature hunt

Colour-palette places

Capture the colours of the rainbow in local wildlife, as we examine nature in all its forms.                                         

Ages: 6 to 14 | Takes: 30 minutes

Run colour-palette places

Plan for change

Saving the planet? Sit down and plan it, as we look at the local and global challenges and how to address them.

Ages: 6 to 18 | Takes: 1 hour

Plan for change

Step three: take action

From grey to green

Encourage your community to grow their own herbs or wild flowers, provide wildlife-friendly spaces and spread happy messages.

Ages: 4 to 14 | Takes: 1 hour

Run from grey to green

Gift for the garden

Design and make some super seed packs to make your local community greener!                                              

Ages: 4 to 14 | Takes: 1 hour

Give out seed packets to your local community

Plastic is not fantastic

Plastic isn’t fantastic! Work together to get your meeting place and local community to go single use plastic free.

Ages: 6 to 18 | Takes: 4 hours

Run plastic is not fantastic

Carbon conscious

Find out how lifestyle choices impact our planet and raise awareness in your local community.

Ages: 10½ to 18 | Takes: 4 hours

Be carbon conscious

Get growing with recycled planters

You don’t need a garden to get growing – make some recycled planters to turn even the smallest space green.

Ages: 8 to 18 | Takes: 1 hour

Get growing with recycled planters

Our wild community garden

Create a new garden or area for and with your local community.

Ages: 4 to 18 | Takes: 4 hours

Create a wild community garden

Step four: learn and make more change

Wise up to waste

Rubbish doesn’t disappear when it’s thrown away. Find out how long it takes to break down and how you can help.

Ages: 4-18 | Takes: 45 mins

Run wise up to waste

All you seed is love

Spread wildflowers and encourage wildlife with homemade seed bombs, then share them far and wide.

Ages: 4-18 | Takes: 30 mins

Make wildflower seed balls

Wild walk

Plan a walk to highlight the work you’ve done to improve nature in your local area, then get exploring.

Ages: 6-18 | Takes: 2 hours 

Take a wild walk

Food for thought

Learn how to eat more sustainably and create a book of recipes to save the planet.

Ages: 6-18 | Takes: 1 hour 

Run food for thought

Paper makers

Find out why we reuse and recycle, then make your own recycled paper.

Ages: 4-18 | Takes: 30 mins

Run paper makers

Step five: tell the world

Multimedia scrapbook

Explore different ways of documenting your A Million Hands project then share your creations with your local community.

Ages: 6-18 | Takes: 1 hour 

Make a multimedia scrapbook

Spread the word with a community talk

Inspire your local community to take action by talking to them about everything your group’s achieved.

Ages: 6-18 | Takes: 1 hour 

Host a community talk

Spread the word with a short film

Edit your own video to tell the story of how you protected our environment, show others, and inspire them to do the same.

Ages: 6-18 | Takes: 1 hour 

Make a short film

Spread the word with an eco camp

Share what you’ve learned about saving the planet by hosting an environmentally friendly camp.

Ages: 6-18 | Takes: 4 hours 

Host an eco camp

Green hearts

Go green and share your ideas for the environment with this fun craft.

Ages: 4-18 | Takes: 20 mins

Run green hearts


Ending homelessness

Partnering with Crisis and Simon Community NI, we’re enhancing young people’s understanding of the many factors that contribute to homelessness, and showing them how they can help end the problem for good.

View activities about ending homelessness >
Supporting refugees and displaced children

We’re partnering with Save the Children to combat stereotypes, raise awareness of the issues displaced children face, build welcoming communities, and connect with Scouts in conflict-affected areas.

View activities for supporting refugees >
Better mental health for all

We’re working alongside Mind, SAMH and Inspire, to empower Scouts to take good care of their mental health, now and in the future.

View activities for better mental health >
Understanding disability

With support from the National Autistic Society, we’re helping our young people to become advocates for inclusion and build a more considerate world.

View activities for understanding disability >
Kindness in every community

Supported by the British Red Cross, we’re showing kindness to those who most need it at home and overseas – and we’re encouraging others to do the same too.

View community kindness activities >