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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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We need volunteers to help Young People to complete their DofE.

There are several volunteer roles needed for each participant to complete their Awards. You may be introducing the award as a Leader in your Unit, assessing a particular section, or making sure that a warm cup of tea awaits expedition supervisors.

Or tracking the progress of an expedition (while trying not to get lost yourself!).

Leaders are responsible for a DofE group. They introduce DofE, guide, and encourage young people, agree their programme choices and approve their progress in eDofE.

All Young Leaders need to complete Module A of the Young Leader Scheme within 3 months and Adult Volunteers helping with a section need to complete the Getting Started modules. If you cannot access the module locally please email and we will try to link you up with another county. 


This needs to be evidenced on eDofE for the first level of award - this could be a certificate, a comment from their Leader or for it to be mentioned in the assessor report. This also means we are complying with our responsibilities under Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) and ensures our young volunteers understand their responsibilities. 


Please note while we encourage young leaders/adult volunteers to complete additional modules for subsequent levels of the award, this is not a requirement. 

Assessors check on a young person’s progress and agree the completion of a section of their programme. As an assessor, you’ll need knowledge of the activity that young people are doing and should try to outline the activity required to complete the section before the participant gets started.

Assessors do not usually have access to eDofE so add an assessor report via or via the pack.

In the Expedition section, qualifying expeditions must be assessed by a competent adult who has completed the Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course, is accredited by the DofE through the Expedition Assessor Accreditation Process and has been approved by Scouts through completing this form. 

Supervisors are people with a good understanding of a participant’s chosen activity. You’ll help them set their goals and regularly meet with the young person to check on their progress, address any potential issues and adjust goals.

A Supervisor is essential for the Expedition section as they are responsible for supervising and supporting a team of participants to ensure their safety and well-being whilst they are doing their expedition.

Adults who can spare some time to help our DofE Leaders run a group can be a volunteer. You may give general support, i.e. admin, help run one section or give specific training.

County Duke of Edinburgh Award Adviser supports The Scouts, a Licensed Organisation, to deliver the award locally. Larger counties may have District Duke of Edinburgh’s Award adviser or multiple County DofE advisers (who may take on specific responsibilities such as administration, expeditions or district support).   

Responsibilities of the County DofE Adviser 

Responsibilities could include: 

Supporting young people to take part (this may be facilitated through DofE Leaders and DofE advisers)  

  1. Supporting the promotion of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and links to the Scout Top Awards (Chief Scout’s PlatinumDiamond and King’s Scout Award)
  2. Purchase participation places and create a method for participants to register for their awards. Many Counties are now moving towards online sign up.
  3. Ensure parents are aware of their responsibility to agree to activities that are done outside of Scouting and that insurance is in place 
  4. Support adult volunteers to help participants choose their programmes and set their timescales & goals, promoting suitable local opportunities.
  5. Support adult volunteers to encourage use of eDofE by participants, regularly approving uploaded evidence and agreeing the completion of sections.
  6. Approve Bronze and Silver awards having completed the DofE Verifier training (or appoint an Award Verifier). Provide advice to leaders and participants on evidence required for Gold Awards.
  7. Pre-approve Residential Activities before they take place to ensure they comply with DofE guidelines.
  8. Arrange appropriate presentation of Gold Awards by the County Commissioner or at an appropriate event.  

Supporting leaders  

  1. Encourage leaders to take part in the DofE training modules available, including the e-induction, Introduction to DofE or Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course as appropriate.   
  2. Support leaders to keep up to date with changes in the award.  
  3. Set up DofE groups and DofE Leaders on eDofE 
  4. Answer queries about the award in a timely manner. 
  5. Support the inclusion of young people with additional needs to complete the award.  

Supporting Expeditions 

  1. Ensure expeditions are run in accordance with the DofE Expedition Requirements
  2. Support affiliation of new expedition assessors and any questions about reaffiliation after 5 years.
  3. Ensure that all expeditions are registered and approved by the county, including the completion of relevant notification forms as required by Scouting and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.  
  4. Support participants without a team to join up with other groups or districts.  
  5. Support the inclusion of young people with additional needs to complete their expedition, using the variation process as required. 
  6. Some counties may organise additional ‘open’ expedition opportunities, particularly at Silver & Gold level where needed.   

Quality Assurance and Strategy 

  1. In conjunction with Scout HQ and DofE Regional office, develop, implement and review a DofE development plan for your county.  
  2. Use the eDofE reporting function to monitor registrations and completions. 
  3. Monitor the quality of evidence on eDofE to ensure it shows evidence of regular participation and improvement, providing feedback to leaders as required. 
County Advisers may wish to request join this Facebook Group, run by the DofE SASU Comms Lead. Note this Facebook group is not led by Scout Headquarters.

(Some of these may also be done by the County Adviser if there’s no District Adviser) 

The role of the District Duke of Edinburgh’s Award adviser can vary – this could be supporting adult volunteers acting as DofE Leaders to deliver the award or could be providing direct support to young people or running expeditions. The role description should be agreed with the District Commissioner/District Explorer Scout Commissioner and the County Duke of Edinburgh’s Award adviser. 

Responsibilities of the District Adviser 

Responsibilities could include: 

Supporting young people to take part (some of these may be done by the Explorer or Network leaders with support) 

  1. Promote the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and links to the Scout Top Awards (Chief Scout’s PlatinumDiamond and King’s Scout Award)
  2. Encourage young people to apply to take part in the award via the County’s registration process 
  3. Ensure parents are aware of their responsibility to agree to activities done outside of Scouting and that insurance is in place 
  4. Support participants to choose their programmes and set their timescales & goals, promoting suitable local opportunities. 
  5. Encourage the use of eDofE by participants, regularly approve uploaded evidence and agree the completion of sections.
  6. Liaise with the County DofE adviser about approvals. 
  7. Celebrate achievement by arranging the appropriate presentation of badges and certificates to participants. 

Supporting leaders  

  1. Encourage leaders to take part in the DofE training modules available, including the e-induction, Introduction to DofE or Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course as appropriate. 
  2. Help leaders promote the award, encouraging them to use the resources available online and via DofE Essentials.  
  3. Support leaders to use eDofE and approve planners, evidence and sections  
  4. Answer queries from leaders, liaising with the County Adviser as needed. 
  5. Support young people with additional needs to complete the award.  

Supporting Expeditions (some of these may be done by the DofE Leader) 

  1. Ensure expeditions are run in the accordance with DofE’s Expedition Requirements
  2. Support leaders/expedition teams with their training and planning  
  3. Ensure the completion of relevant notification forms as required by Scouting and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. 
  4. Ensure expeditions are recorded on eDofE. 
  5. Support participants without a team to join up with other groups or districts.  
  6. Support young people with additional needs to complete their expedition, using the variation process as required.  

Quality Assurance 

  1. Use eDofE to monitor performance and participation. 
  2. Monitor the quality of evidence on eDofE to ensure it shows evidence of regular participation and improvement.