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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Getting started training

For learners

Chapter 16: Roles Tables

The modules that you need to complete depend on the role that you are taking on. To find out the modules you need, visit The Roles Table in Chapter 16 of POR which lists all of our roles and the appointment requirements. 

Check your training requirements in Roles Table

To support you in your first five months of volunteering with the Scouts we have a number of training modules for you to complete. You can complete these in any order.

The below modules except *03 and 04 can be completed as independent learning and validated by successfully completing the online assessment at the end of the module.

*Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) (03) and Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) (04) must be validated by a training adviser.

Essential Information (01)

The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.

Start Essential Information


This module is mandatory.

The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe. 

Start Safety


This module is mandatory.

The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe. 

Start Safeguarding


The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means for them, their Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.

Start GDPR

Trustee Introduction

The aim of this module is to provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. You only need to complete this module if you have a role as a trustee.

Start Trustee Introduction

Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) (03)

Note: this module requires validation by a training adviser

The aim of this module is to provide the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.

Section Leaders start the module

Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) (04)

Note: this module requires validation by a training adviser

The aim of this module is to provide key information about the individual’s role, areas of responsibility and where they can find further information and support.

Managers and Supporters start the module

Module Matrix

This is a summary of the Scouts’ Adult Training Scheme and ongoing learning.

Read the module matrix

Digital skills toolkit

Need some help with doing things online? From using Word documents to sending group emails and navigating GDPR, our Digital Skills toolkit will help you feel more confident online. Don’t worry, completing the activities won't take up much of your time and it’s totally flexible and voluntary.

Get help with digital skills