King's Scout Award
King's Scout Award
The King’s Scout Award is the top achievement for Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members and comprises a variety of activities to complete. It’s closely linked to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, so it’s worth considering working on the two awards together. To gain the award, you must complete all of the following requirements before your 25th birthday.
Since the 1st June 2024, we have made some updates to the King's Scout Award. Please check the information in the Pre. June 2024 requirements section to make sure you are completing the correct requirements based on your age bracket.
How to earn your badge:
Award participants must:
- Be aged 16 or older to start the award and complete the award before your 25th birthday
- Be a member of either Explorer Scouts or Scout Network (or a combination of both) for at least 18 months to complete the award
- Be a member of Explorer Scouts or Scout Network at the time you complete the award
This means members can only start working towards and count activities undertaken in achieving the KSA from their 16th Birthday. Activities and nights away completed in achievement of the Chief Scout Platinum and Diamond Awards can be counted towards the KSA.
Nights away
Complete 24 nights away as an Explorer Scout or Scout Network member, of which at least 12 must be camping.
Any nights away can count for this section, whether used in another part of this award, or to count towards the Chief Scout Platinum or Chief Scout Diamond Award.International, community & values (ICV) list
Complete six activities in total, two from each topic area of the ICV activities list. View the ICV list for the King's Scout Award. A minimum of two must be from the KSA ICV list and the others from any of the KSA, or Chief Scout Platinum or Diamond ICV lists.
If you have completed your Chief Scout’s Platinum Award, you will have already done two activities and will only need to do a further four activities.
If you have completed your Chief Scout’s Diamond Award, you will have already done four activities and will only need to do a further two activities.Presentation
Make a presentation covering all elements of your award to a suitable audience, with the aim of inspiring and motivating others to achieve the award. The presentation should be the final activity you complete.
The presentation section of the Award can be signed off by one of the following roles:
Pre Transformation change role title:
- District or County Explorer Scout/Scout Network Commissioner
- Youth Commissioner
- District, County, Region or Area Commissioner
- King's Scout Award Coordinator
Post Transformation change role title:
- Adult volunteers in the District 14 – 24 Team
- Youth Lead
- District, County, Region or Area Lead Volunteer
- District, County, Region or Area Programme Team Member
We’d suggest this is different to the Award Mentor, and we’d recommend inviting a District or County Team member to attend the presentation too.
Each requirement needs to be signed off by an assessor. This is someone who can vouch for the activities you have undertaken and provide some basic evidence (a short statement) about your participation. This is often your Explorer Leader or your District Scout Network Commissioner.
However, assessors can be anyone who has witnessed the activities you’ve undertaken for the specific requirement.
Once you have completed all of the above requirements, a relevant person must approve your award as complete by filling out the 'KSA Logbook approval' section of the KSA Logbook and Completion form. Completed forms can be signed off by one of the following roles:
Pre Transformation change role title:
- County Explorer Scout/Scout Network Commissioner
- County, Region or Area Assistant Commissioner
- County, Region or Area Commissioner
- King's Scout Award Coordinator
Post Transformation change role title:
- County level 14-24 Team Leaders
- County, Region or Area Programme Team Member
- County, Region or Area Lead Volunteer
- Volunteers with a 'King's Scout Award Parcel Recipient' accreditation
Choose 1 of the following options:
Hold the Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Complete the King's Scout Award Challenges:
- Skill
Take up a skill for six or 12 months*, and show progress and lasting interest. The skill can be an existing interest or something entirely new.
- Physical activity
Take up a physical activity for six or 12 months*, completing an agreed programme by taking part and achieving your objectives.
- Service
Provide service to an individual or the community for 12 months. Briefing and training should be given in order to gain the necessary skills. This may include helping with another section of the Movement as an Explorer Scout Young Leader or adult volunteer.
- Expedition
Undertake training, a practice expedition and a four-day, three-night self-led final expedition, including a project. You should undertake training to show you are ready to do your expedition, a practice expedition and then the final expedition.
The expedition environment chosen must become progressively more challenging through the award levels – environments could include rural, urban, or restricted spaces.
- Training
Before you undertake any expedition you should demonstrate that you are competent in the following areas:
- First aid (covering First Response as a minimum) and emergency procedures
- Risk assessment/health and safety
- Navigation and route planning
- Camp craft, equipment and hygiene
- Food and cooking
- Country, highway and water sports codes
- Observation, recording and presentation
- Team building
- Proficiency in mode of travel
- Practice
Undertake a minimum three-day, two-night (consecutive) self-led expedition in wild country by foot, cycle, horse, canoe, boat or dinghy.
- Final
Undertake a four-day, three-night (consecutive) self-led expedition with an aim. The expedition should be completed in wild country by the same method used in your practice. Expeditions should have a minimum of eight hours of activity per day, of which at least half must be journeying. The final expedition must be undertaken in a different area to the practice with similar conditions, and ideally with the same team of people.
- Residential
Undertake a five-day, four-night residential project in an unfamiliar environment with people that are unknown to you. This project could be environmental work, project-based, service to others or personal training. In exceptional circumstances this can be done over two consecutive weekends, as long as the activity is the same and the majority of people are unknown to you.
As of the 1st June 2024, some of the King's Scout Award requirements have been updated.
- Anyone who is 24 or younger on or after 2nd June 2024, please follow the requirements on this page.
- Anyone who is 24 or turned 24 before 1st June 2024, you can follow the requirements on this page but you're able to follow the old requirements for the award. You can find the old requirements and information about the changes on this information sheet.
All members should complete 12 months in either the skill or the physical activity challenges.
If you're doing your King's Scout Expedition by foot, why not see if you qualify for the Hill Walker Activity Badge? Check out the full requirements for the Hill Walker Activity Badge.
Members who’ve not completed the Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award or the Chief Scout's Diamond Award must undertake an extra six months in either the Service Challenge or the longer of the Skills or Physical Recreation Challenge, so 18 months in total.
It's strongly recommended that you read the Reach The Top guide before starting to work towards your award to make sure you fully understand what you need to do. The materials provide more advice and guidance on the award requirements, as well as some ideas for what you could do to meet them.
Download the KSA Logbook and Completion Form to start keeping track of your progress towards the King's Scout Award. Make sure you select the correct Logbook form for the KSA criteria you are following.
KSA Logbook & Completion form using pre 31.05.24 KSA criteria
KSA Logbook & Completion form using post 01.06.24 KSA criteria
In order to get approval locally and by headquarters, don’t forget to double-check your logbook against the KSA signoff checklist. Make sure you select the correct checklist for the KSA criteria you are following.
September 2024.
Requirements can be adapted to suit each young persons abilities. See our guidance on flexibility.