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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Head to dates and time. 

If you’re talking about school years, year is lowercase (unless it’s at the start of a sentence) and the number is a figure.

The informal name for the ‘Young People First’ code of practice. For more info, check out that entry – you don’t even need to leave the page.

You can call the non-dairy versions ‘soya (or coconut, or almond, or oat) yoghurts’ or ‘yoghurt alternatives’.

The most solemn day in the Jewish calendar. Yom Kippur means Day of Atonement (you might sometimes hear it called that, too).

Yom Kippur is the end of the 10 ‘Days of Awe’, which begin with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year). It’s a day to reflect on the past year and ask for God’s forgiveness; Jewish people believe that on Yom Kippur, God decides what the next 12 months will be like for everyone. Most Jewish people fast for 25 hours (children under 13, pregnant people, and people who are ill don’t have to fast) and spend time at the Synagogue.

The best way to talk about Scouts who are under 18. It’s OK to sometimes use ‘children’ if you’re only talking about Beavers and Cubs.

If you’re directly quoting someone else, you can include ‘kids’ and ‘children’.

Young People First code of practice’ is the name of the publication (‘the Yellow Card’ is its informal name). It’s a positive code of behaviour for all adults in Scouts – adults should have a copy, and it’s designed so they can keep it with them whenever they’re doing anything with Scouts. Check out the website for more information on staying safe and safeguarding.

This is a really common mistake. Your is about possession (owning something), for example, ‘your favourite toy’, ‘it’s your turn’ or ‘take your time’.

You’re is a shorted version of ‘you are’ (notice the apostrophe to show the missing ‘a’). For example, ‘you’re never going to get it right if you don’t practise’, or ‘you’re welcome to ask editorial for help if you need it’. 

If you could replace it with ‘you are’, it’s you’re. If you couldn’t, it’s your.

Doesn’t have an apostrophe. For example ‘it’s yours’, ‘that one’s yours’, and so on.

Youth shaped Scouts is how leaders support young people to shape their experiences: it’s about keeping young people front and centre of everything we do.

YouShape was launched as part of the four-year strategic plan ‘Scouting for All’, which covered 2014 to 2018. It began as an annual campaign and helped hundreds of thousands of young people to gain leadership skills.

Now, we’re looking at embedding youth shaped principles as a key part of what we do throughout the year, not just as an annual campaign.

A member of a District, or County, Leadership Team who makes sure young people are represented at all levels of decision making. They help put the YOU into youth shaped Scouts experiences.

Previous role name: Youth Commissioner.