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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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A rare example of an activity that’s capitalised, but it’s only because ‘Jacob’ is a name (a proper noun).

Not gaol. 

A gathering of Scouts. Don’t capitalise generic mentions of ‘jamborees’, but capitalise specific events, for example ‘Jamboree on the Air’.

Write it in full (exactly like this) the first time. After that, just say ‘JOTA’.

Write it in full (exactly like this) the first time. After that, just say ‘JOTI’. 

Members of an Adventism-related Christian movement founded in the US. There are more than eight million members around the world.

A trade name, but now it’s also the verb for the activity. Capitalise when using as a noun, but it’s lower case as a verb. For example, ‘we hired two Jet Skis and decided to jet ski to the island’.

Never refer to a volunteer’s role or position as a ‘job’. 

Within Scouts, capitalise job titles and volunteer roles, for example, Assistant Beaver Scout Leader and Creative Content Producer.

Outside of Scouts, only capitalise specific, official job titles (for example, ‘Head Teacher Sam’). When referring to a job in general, use lowercase, for example, ‘head teachers’.

These go across Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers.

During a new volunteer's induction, they'll complete our joining journey. This is a series of steps a volunteer needs to do, within a range of six weeks to six months, to become a full member. They can track their progress on

Previously known as the appointments process, you may still see some references to this, but please try and call it the joining journey, so it's in line with our new approach to welcoming volunteers.

The term is a bit niche. Use something like ‘waiting lists’ instead – it’s easier for people to understand what you mean.

HRH The Princess of Wales and HRH The Duke of Kent are Joint Presidents of Scouts.​

Judaism dates back more than 4,000 years and is one of the oldest religions. Today, over 15 million people in the world identify themselves as Jewish and it continues to be an influential religion and culture.

Important Jewish festivals include Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), Passover and Hanukkah, the festival of lights.

Not judgement.

Not just desserts. See desert or desserts.

The charity fundraising website.