Growth and Restart support guide
Check out these key online resources to help grow or restart your section or group
Here are some of the key resources that we recommend you give a go when you are restarting or growing Scouts in your area. See which resources would fit your needs best. You will find that each tool is accompanied by a handy bite-sized how-to video as well as some helpful hints and tips.
4 Week Challenge
The Four Week Challenge is a gradual introduction to Scouting to show new volunteers how much fun it can be.
Adult Talk
Getting a bunch of adults in a room and talking to them about the fun we have at Scouts, can be all you need to do to get them on your team.
Open events
Open events are an opportunity to drop in and see what scouts is like.
Recruitment events
Hosting a get-together is a great way to get your existing parents and local people through the door and turn them into get-up-and-go-ers' for your Group.
School Assemblies
You might want to use a school visit to invite young people to an open event you’re holding.
Community Links
Playing our part at the heart of the community has always been core to what we do as Scouts.