Branching Out
Find out about future learning opportunities for when you’d like to build your skills
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Branching Out learning will be for when you want to stretch yourself and develop your skills and knowledge.
Some of the Branching Out learning will be required if you want to do certain things – like learning for our accreditations. Other learning will be there if, and when, helpful for you.
It’ll cover a wide range of topics, from practical Scouts skills and how to deliver adventurous activities, to how to manage projects and events. Delivery methods will also vary with some content designed to be delivered face-to-face, in practical skills workshops for example, or as online content on the My Learning digital tool.
You can see what Branching Out might look like in the future by exploring our Learning Tree. On this page, we'll go through what learning will be available when Branching Out first launches.
Creating content with volunteers
The Branching Out learning is being developed with volunteers. We’re doing this by designing, developing and testing content with volunteers involved at every stage. This is so we end up with learning content that's relevant and engaging for you, whether it’s videos, in-person or virtual training sessions or workbooks.
If you'd like to take part in testing and feeding back on learning content, you can join our Volunteer Experience Group.
Moving to Branching Out learning
When the My Learning digital tool is available to use, we’ll still be developing our Branching Out learning. Until the new content is ready, some of our existing training modules within the Adult Training Scheme will be continuing. They are:
- Skills of leadership (Module 8)
- Working with adults (Module 9)
- Admin (Module 11)
- Growing the section (Module 13)
- Residential (Module 16)
- Practical Skills (Module 18)
- International (Module 19)
- Assessing Learning (Module 25)
- Instructing Practical Skills (Module 27)
- Facilitating (Module 28)
- Presenting (Module 29)
- Adjustments to Scouts (Module 36)
- Skills for Residential Experience (Module 38)
- Mentoring and Coaching (Module 39)
- Manager and Supporter Skills Courses
Eventually, all content from the Adult Training Scheme will be replaced. We'll let you know when the new content is available, and when you can take part in testing it.
Moving from Validation, Trainers and Training Advisors to Volunteering Development Teams
The modules continuing from the Adult Training Scheme will be validated in the same way, but the process will look a little different.
Responsibility for validating Adult Training Scheme modules after My Learning launches will sit with volunteers who hold the Learning Assessor accreditation.
As the modules are replaced with new learning, we'll move towards our new way of signing-off and recognising the learning completed by volunteers. This is currently being developed and tested with volunteers.
The Wood Badge
Find out about more about how the Wood Badge will be changing and what this will mean for current volunteers.
Find out more about the Wood Badge