Explore our future opportunities to learn at Scouts
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We want all our volunteers to have the skills and knowledge they need to feel confident to help keep young people safe and help them gain skills for life.
We'll be organising learning at Scouts in what we call the Learning Tree. It'll be made up of Growing Roots, learning that's personalised to you as a volunteer, and Branching Out, the learning you can access to further develop your skills and knowledge.
Access to this learning and progress tracking will be available once your County gains access to the new digital learning tool on scouts.org.uk.
This interactive graphic of our Learning Tree is a great way to start exploring what Growing Roots will be about and when you need to complete your learning. Or you can check out the Growing Roots webpage if you'd prefer.
The Branching Out learning is being developed, but you can see what it might look like in the future on the Learning Tree. We'll add more content and information as it becomes available.
Branching Out
Find out about the learning opportunities that will be available for when you’d like to build your skills, and what this will mean for current volunteers.
Learn more about Branching OutGrowing Roots
Check out the webpage version of our interactive Learning Tree graphic. This includes the learning you'll need to do within your first six months and what this will mean for current volunteers.
Discover Growing Roots