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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Section 4: The Programme

Section 4: The Programme

4a – Programme Fundamentals

Scout Network has a programme of activities divided into three programme Pillars:

  • Adventure
  • International
  • Community

These are underpinned by cross-cutting themes including Teamwork, Leadership and Life Skills. Scout Network members may not be meeting up on a regular basis, but they can still take part in a variety of activities with various locations, duration or time commitments to suit their schedules.

The programme opportunities should be challenging, relevant and rewarding. Scout Network members should have the opportunity to get involved with a huge variety of activities across the UK and abroad, whilst building a network of friends, earning virtual badges and learning skills for life.

As the District Scout Network Commissioner (DSNC) you will need to encourage the provision of exciting and adventurous activities and ensure they are managed in accordance with POR. Scout Network members are encouraged to design their own projects and events and work towards their top awards - but you should support them through this process.

It is your District Commissioner's (DC) responsibility to approve all activities. In reality this is usually through informal delegation arrangements as each DC will build a working relationship with their DSNC.

Badges and Top Awards

Scout Network members can achieve their Top Awards as well as earn virtual badges for participating in the programme.

  • Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold
  • Explorer Belt
  • Scouts of the World Award
  • Chief Scout's Diamond Award
  • King's Scout Award

There are virtual badges available for a whole host of activities, events and celebrations. From climbing and white water rafting to attending an international event or taking part in a community project. Virtual badges are awarded through the Scouts Website.

4b – Programme Planning

The programme is made up of projects and events, which will have at least one element of them built around the themes of Adventure, Community or International, as well as top awards such as the King’s Scout Award, Explorer Belt Award and Scouts of the World Award.

Projects are usually more complex than events. They may be a series of tasks, planned from beginning to end, bounded by time or resources and deliver some benefit (eg gaining a permit or completing some community work).

An event is a single activity that may take place at a given time. It could be repeated but there is no link between repeated occurrences. Events can also be part of a project (eg training events for an expedition).

All activities should be run through the following steps:

Setting out - To generate ideas, you could have a planning session with your Scout Network and develop ideas as a group. To get some more ideas you can view projects and events from other Scout Networks.

Plan - When your Scout Network are planning a project or event they should think about; Aim, Where, Who, What, When, How. As DSNC you will need to approve your Scout Network’s plan before they go ahead with it.

Prepare – You must consider if any training needs to be completed by the Scout Network members prior to or as part of their project or event. Scout Network members should also think about what kit they might need and any fundraising they may need to do.

Promote and share – Create projects/events on the UK Scout Network website to allow other members to get involved and to showcase your project and event to other Networks. You may also want to use your social media channels or local communication methods to get the word out. You can also use social media whilst doing the project or event to encourage people to get involved in the future.

Run the activity – Go out, do it and enjoy yourselves!

Evaluate and celebrate – Scout Network members should celebrate their achievements and reflect on anything that could be improved in the future. This tool can help with the evaluation and aims to encourage open discussion.