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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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How should I respond to arguments or disputes between young people?

How should I respond to arguments or disputes between young people?

In addition to the guidance above:

  • respond quickly

  • avoid assigning blame; allow each young person an equal opportunity to give their side of the story

  • establish all the facts; don’t make assumptions

  • support the young people to understand how the other person may feel

  • positively acknowledge where a young person has owned up and/or apologised

  • if a young person has not owned up, rather than force the issue, focus on what happened and ask young people what they can do to prevent a reoccurrence

  • try to find a way to defuse an incident so that no one loses face.