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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Gathering information

Gathering information

The information gathered may be a mixture of both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative information includes hard facts such as:

Qualitative information is somewhat softer in nature and may include opinions, objections and aspirations. The Review Team should create opportunities for people to contribute to the consultation process through both verbal and nonverbal communication.

For example the Review Team may:

  • Speak with individuals. These people may be chosen at random or because they hold certain appointments or have particular experience.
  • Allowing people to respond by post or email to an open letter or questionnaire
    (it may be worth setting up a separate email address for this).

Time should also be set aside to gather best practice from other sources. This could include speaking to other organisations or those who have undertaken similar exercises elsewhere in Scouts.


There are various methods by which information can be analysed. These may include methods such as PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technical) analysis, SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis and cost-benefit analysis. However it's equally important to analyse the soft information collected to draw conclusions about the views and feelings of all stakeholders.

Whilst it's important to take into account people’s views and feelings, the analysis will need to consider the best outcomes for Scouts in the area. This will require analysis of the structure of; local government, communication routes, local communities, funding sources etc.

In parallel with this, the viability / feasibility of each Group and District will need to be considered. Consider what the minimum numbers should be and how local volunteers can be best supported.


As options present themselves, the Review Team should consider whether they need further information to understand the consequences of any proposal. If appropriate, this information should be gathered and the options reconsidered. The team should consider as many options as possible. These can then be prioritised to give a final list that can be fed back to the decision makers or the person initiating the review.