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Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Practical tips for practical validation

Practical tips for practical validation

The Guidance on the training and application of basic life support within the Scouts is based on the Resus Council UK (RCUK) guidelines as well as looking at what other first aid training providers are doing in the UK.

The teaching of rescue breaths for both adult and paediatric life support should be completed, whilst ensuring appropriate hygiene measures are in place. High quality chest compressions and the use of automated external defibrillators remain the priority in cardiac arrest. (Resuscitation Council UK, 2021) The inclusion of ventilations has been shown to be beneficial (at a ratio or 30:2) if you are able and willing to apply these. Barriers such as those found in the keyring packs or pocket masks (if trained) are a good way to keep yourself separated from the patient during mouth to mouth, but recent research, cited by RCUK in their latest update, shows that the highest risk of contracting Covid-19 is from aerosol and not direct contact. (Klompas, Milton, Rhee, Baker, & Leekha, 2021)

Most of the manikins used in Scouts for demonstrating CPR are made by the industry leader: Laerdal. Their manikins have a one way valve which prevents contaminated air being pushed directly back towards the learner. Laerdal have hygiene advice on their website to help keep learners safe. These recommendations are to ensure the face is cleaned well with a disinfectant wipe between learners and to change the lungs after each teaching session. They can be found in full here: Laerdal Manikin Cleaning Page. Other manufacturers guidelines may vary and should be followed.

To maintain the quality of training we continue to recommend a maximum learner to manikin ratio of 1:5.



Klompas, M., Milton, D. K., Rhee, C., Baker, M. A., & Leekha, S. (2021, Dec). Current Insights Into Respiratory Virus Transmission and Potential Implications for Infection Control Programs : A Narrative Review. Ann Intern Med, 174(12), 1710-1718. Doi:10.7326/M21-2780

Resuscitation Council UK. (2021, May). Basic Life Support Guidelines. Retrieved September 1st, 2022, from Resuscitation Council UK: