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Members of a Local Awards Advisory Group

Members of a Local Awards Advisory Group

The following membership should be considered as a minimum in the formation of any LAAG:

  • Secretary of the local Appointments Advisory Committee
  • a young person under 25 years
  • the Chair of the local Trustee Board or Chair of the Appointments Advisory Committee
  • consider inviting an external supporter who may have knowledge of other national awards such as a Deputy Lieutenant.

The number of members required on a LAAG will be for the Commissioner to determine, but the following guidance may be useful.

  • Some members of the group should have varied and wide-ranging significant current or recent experience of Scouting, including knowledge of additional needs in young people and volunteers; and should be a member or willing to become such.
  • Consider appointing a current Section Leader or similar to the group.
  • Remember to maintain a healthy balance of members that best reflects Scouting in the local area.
  • The Commissioner may wish to appoint a Chair to coordinate the group and plan a schedule of meeting on their behalf.

Members of the LAAG are appointed by the Commissioner.

Terms of Office

In order to provide continuity it is recommended that some members within the group are appointed for two years, with others being given three-year terms. Any Chair could serve an additional three years (six years being the maximum).

The role can now be recorded on Compass. The role is called Award Advisory Group Member and can be found at District, County/Area/Region (Scotland) and County levels.

Read the LAAG member role description

See the role description

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