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Ticket to travel

Recreate the experience of flying by making your own boarding pass.

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You’ll need

  • Coloured pens or pencils
Travel ticket
PDF – 99.0KB
A collection of ticket stubs featuring images of mountains, rockets and hot air balloons.

Before you begin

  • Before the meeting, let everyone know that this activity involves talking about flights they've taken. The flights could be together as a group, or with their families or schools. Ask people to bring in any pictures or items linked to their flight.
  • If anyone doesn’t have experience of flying they can still join in by talking about a different type of transport they’ve travelled on. This won’t count towards stage two of their Air Activities Staged Activity Badge, though – they can do another of the options for requirement two instead.

Flight now boarding

  1. The person leading should introduce the activity by talking about a flight they’ve been on. Where did they go? What else can they remember about their flight?
  2. The person leading the activity should give everyone a ‘Ticket to travel’ sheet.
  3. Everyone should complete their ‘Ticket to travel’ activity sheet with the coloured pens or pencils.
  1. Once everyone’s completed their sheet, they should gather together as a group.
  2. Everyone should take it in turn to share their passes and, one at a time, talk about their flight experience with the rest of the group.


This activity was all about reflecting on aircraft journeys and sharing the experiences with everyone. Did everyone plan what they wanted to say in advance? If they did, how did it help them? Did it mean they were calmer or more confident?

Sometimes it’s hard to find the words to describe what we have seen, felt or heard. Can anyone think of other ways to communicate an experience like drawing a picture and showing photos or videos? This is also a good opportunity to talk about the importance of listening to others when they are presenting. Asking questions and not interrupting people is a good idea.


All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.

For this activity to count towards requirement two of the Air Activities Staged Activity Badge (Stage 2), people need to talk about an experience of flying in an aircraft. However, if anyone doesn’t have experience of flying they could talk about a different type of transport they’ve travelled in (for example trains, buses, coaches, ferries or cars). Alternatively, they could write about flying someone they’d like to visit, imagining what the plane would look like. You don’t have to have flown in an aircraft to complete stage two of the Air Activities Staged Activity Badge – there are other options for requirement two.

If anyone’s going on a flight without the rest of the group, give them the ‘Ticket to travel’ sheet to complete. They can tell everyone else about their flight when they come back.

Anyone who doesn’t want to talk in front of the group could just hold up their boarding pass for everyone to see. People could also present in smaller groups.

All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.

The ‘Ticket to travel’ activity sheets could be cut out and made into a display board.

Make a model of the type of aircraft you flew in using Lego, Meccano, clay or plasticine to meet the third requirement of the Beavers Creative Activity Badge or contribute to the Cubs Artist Activity Badge.