Super Scout skills
You’ll need
- Scrap paper
- Pens or pencils
This guidance is all about thinking of everything you’ve learned in Scouts so far, and how you can use your new skills to help others in your community.
What you’ve learned
Think about the skills you’ve learned by being a Scout. We’ve added some prompts below to help lead your discussion, and a few activity ideas too:
- What games have you played recently?
- What are your favourite activities that you’ve done at Scouts so far?
- What badges have you worked towards, or earned?
- Can you think of a skill or something you’ve learned?
- What are you most proud of?
- Have you learned how to do something new?
- Have you learned how to work better as a team, or how to lead your group?
Packing up
Take the lead before you leave by teaching everyone a new game (or an old favourite).
Play packing upNew tricks
You’ve learned a lot so far, so it’s time to pass it on and help others learn a skill.
Teach someone a new trickSuper skills audit
What’s your super skill? Share it with others and learn their super skills so you can build a super skilled team.
Share your super skillHelping the community
Now it’s time to think about how you’ll use your new skills to help the community. Check out the activities below, along with some ideas to get everyone chatting:
- Start by thinking of some things that your community needs. You could make a list together.
- Look at your list of skills or activities you thought of earlier. Are there any things on the list that you could use to help your local community?
- You could run a Youth Forum [LINK] and discuss your ideas together.
Game share
What’s your favourite game? It’s time to share it with your friends and practise teaching and leading the group.
Share your favourite gameWatch and learn
Become a virtual expert by learning a new skill from an online tutorial and presenting it to your friends.
Try watch and learnTell the world
Don’t forget to share what you’ve learned! You could?
- Chat to someone about everything you’ve been talking about – it could be a parent, carer, Young Leader, or even your Executive committee. They’d love to hear how the things you’ve learnt at Scouts could help your community.
- Think about how you’ll get your ideas across. You could draw picture, write a story or speech, or make a short presentation to share.
- Have a look at the activities below for some inspiration.
Multimedia scrapbook
Explore different ways of documenting your A Million Hands project then share your creations with your local community.
Make a multimedia scrapbookEvaluation postcards
Make postcards to reflect on what you’ve learned, what you’ve achieved, and what your next steps could be.
Make evaluation postcardsShare to inspire
After taking action on social issues choose the best method to tell people what you’ve done, then get stuck in.
Share your workReflection
It’s important to think about what went well, and what we could do better next time too. The person leading the activity should ask everyone how they found the session.
- What did they enjoy?
- Did they learn anything new?
- What are they looking forward to?
All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.
Make it accessible
All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.