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Bungee running

Stretch the elastic in this fantastic target-touching challenge, as we learn about the importance of bouncing back.

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What to expect

Bungee running involves running as far as you can to try and reach a fixed target, while attached to a secured elastic bungee cord. Outdoor spaces work best for this activity, and it can take place on a purpose-built inflatable course or a man-made course made up of muddy or slippery surfaces. This could be a tarpaulin covered in soapy water, for example.

What you’ll learn

Bungee running is all about learning to get back up when you fall down. The course is designed to slip you up and make it difficult to reach the targets or get to the end of the bungee cord. It’s a great activity for learning how to stay focused on your goal and gives you lots of opportunities to get back up and try again. Don’t forget to support each other, try your best and have fun too!

Handy hints

  • Don’t wear your favourite clothes. You might get wet or muddy, depending on the course, so don’t wear anything you don’t want to get ruined. You just need any outfit that you can move around easily in.
  • Bring a change of clothes. If you’re using a muddy or soapy course, it’s a good idea to bring some stuff to get changed into afterwards too.
  • While you wait. You’ll only have one or two people taking part at a time, so think of some quick games to play to keep everyone entertained while they wait for a turn.


You must always:
Be safe outdoors:
  • Check the weather forecast
Other activities:
  • Where an activity is not covered by any other rules members must follow rule 9.1 and assess the risk, ensure that members can be kept safe and that all equipment is suitable for its use.
Joint activities with other organisations:
This activity can be led by you or someone else in Scouts
You can go to a centre or use an activity leader who is not part of Scouting:
You must find a suitable provider who meets the following requirements:
  • The provider must have public liability insurance.


Bungee running


Bungee running is a really fun way to get active and have a laugh with your mates. But it’s also about getting back up and trying again when you fall down. Did anyone manage to reach the target? Ask the group how they felt if they fell. Was there anything that made it easier to get back up and try again?

This is a really fun activity, and one in which most people don’t mind falling over a bit at first. Holding onto that kind of attitude will make it easier to get up and try again in other, more serious activities. In the same way, we shouldn’t let it get to us when we try more difficult activities and things don’t work out the first time. It doesn’t matter if you’re not successful at first, it’s the getting back up and trying again that counts.

The great thing about this activity is that you can adjust the goals really easily by moving the markers or changing the aim of the activity. If you’ve made your own run, you could also adjust the bungee cords to make sure it’s challenging enough for the group you’re working with.

Bungee running can often be adapted so more people can give it a go. Many centres have facilities that cater for people with additional needs and experienced instructors to help everyone achieve their goals. Get in touch with your local provider to chat through the needs of people in your group - make sure you give them plenty of notice.

All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.

Why not stick with the bouncy theme and try out trampolining or even give zorbing a go?