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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means



When opening a new Drey, being organised will help you to get everything ready.  These handy checklists will help you to make sure you start off on the right foot and run a successful Drey.

Let’s get Squirrels started – group checklist

Each adult in the section is aware of (if applicable):

  • Where the equipment is stored
  • Lighting and heating switches
  • How to access and lock up the building
  • Fire procedures
  • Who cleans up and what happens to the rubbish
  • How the venue is booked and paid for

The adults have keys to access building and equipment stores (where applicable).

There is a system if a keyholder is absent.

There is a method for recording accidents and a fully stocked First Aid Kit available during meetings.

There is an InTouch system in place for parents/carers and leaders to communicate during a meeting and make emergency calls.

All adults and young people information and emergency contact details are stored in line with GDPR requirements (maintained on Compass for adults).

Section has been registered on Compass.

Programme is planned for the upcoming term and has been communicated with fellow leaders and parents/carers.

Where possible, resources have been bought for the upcoming meetings.

The group has a plan in place on providing and purchasing or reimbursing adult uniform.

The group has decided which resources will be provided to members (for example necker, woggle, badges, handbook), and how it will manage lost replacements and who'll order/pay for these.

A stock of neckers is available at the group or details of how to get them is shared.

Details of how/where families can purchase uniform has been shared with parents/carers.

Group has a physical/digital notice board for sharing of news, updates, programmes and vacancies set-up.

A method for communicating with parents/carers has been created and used. For example, a WhatsApp group, website, Facebook Group or Twitter account.

A welcome pack is easily accessed and shared with parents/carers on joining.

Method of collecting subs has been agreed and shared with parents/carers.

Cost of subs agreed upon and ensures it covers all costs (membership fee, venue costs, programme resources) whilst remaining affordable.

A budget for the section has been agreed upon for the next two years.

It's been agreed how adult volunteers will be able to reclaim anything they spend. For example, programme resources or attending training.

Sufficient number of volunteers have been recruited to the team to be able to safely deliver the programme to the young people.

Four Week Challenge has been offered to every parent/carer upon joining.

Family rota has been made and shared with all parents/carers for them to get involved in.

All volunteers involved in the section have completed a DBS and have gone through the appointments process.

All volunteers involved have completed their Getting Started training or updated their ongoing learning requirements.

Welcoming a new family checklist

I’ve shared details about the meeting venue, and the day and time we meet.

I’ve shared the upcoming programme and discussed with them any upcoming events we have.

I’ve shared the details for dropping off and picking up their child at meetings.

I’ve discussed with the family the awards system we have in place.

I’ve discussed with the family any additional needs that their child may have and heard from them how we can support their child with this.

I’ve found out and recorded what strengths and interests their child has.

I’ve asked and recorded any medical or dietary requirements their child may have.

I’ve asked whether their child has any friends currently in the group that they’d like to be paired up with.

I’ve asked and recorded who’ll be doing the drop-off and pick-up of their child at meetings.

I’ve taken the basic details for the young person and made sure the details are correct.

I’ve invited the family into our communication channel (for example, WhatsApp group, Facebook group, Twitter account or website).

I’ve made sure that the family have shared the contact number for the leaders in case of any emergency.

I’ve introduced the family to all the leaders/helpers in the section.

I’ve shared with the family information about how they can purchase the uniform and recommended they wait four weeks before committing to buying a uniform.

I’ve discussed with the family the stickers/badges they can achieve and the group’s policy for giving these out.

I’ve discussed with the family about investiture and the promise that their child can take (and remembered to discuss the different promises).

I’ve discussed with the family the costs for attending Scouts and how we can support them.

I’ve discussed the leadership team we have in place and how they can help out by trying the Four Week Challenge or joining our termly rota to help out at meetings.

I’ve discussed the tasks and skills survey, as this will help us understand how they can support the group.

I’ve shared details with the family about how they can raise any safety or safeguarding concerns they may have.

I’ve explained to the family where they can find our code of conduct and anti-bullying policy.

New adult induction checklist

Aware of the local and group structure & vision

Group info given – timings, contacts

Role discussed

Assigned to a section

Met with the group

Mentor/buddy assigned

DBS processed

Met with the Area Lead Volunteer or date agreed

Badges and programme explained

Safeguarding – Yellow card given/signposted

Safe Scouting – Purple card

Shadowing opportunity given

Session outline and routine given

Timetable given

Policies, rules, behaviour management made aware

Introduced to Learning Assessor and modules explained

Review/Check-in date set

Squirrels suggested resource list

Prices correct as of July 2021

Paper (1 Ream) £7.87

Eraser Tipped Pencils (Pack of 12)£2.25

Ball of String (Pack of 3) £3.88

Plastic storage box (9 litre) £10.97

Coloured Card (Pack of 50) £4.39

PVA glue (5 litre) £12.95

Play-doh (36 pots) £17.99

Plastic bowls (set of 6) £7.76

Coloured Wool (Pack of 10) £8.19

Clear sticky tape (Pack of 12) £5.99

Coloured feathers (250 Assortment) £3.75

Felt tips (Pack of 24) £4.50

Fluffy balls (50) £3.45

Sticker Sheet (300) £5.99

Aprons (12) £9.99

Ready Mix Paint (pack of 12) £23.99

Spill proof paint cups (10) £13.98

Hardening Clay (1 pack) £11.09

Parachute (1) £21.99

Tissue Paper – assorted colours (20 pack) £3.49

Pipe Cleaners (500) £8.99

Bean Bags Multi Colour £12.96

Glue Sticks (Pack of 25) £7.99

Gems - Sequins Mix (100 grams) £4.50

Squirrel toy (1) £6.99

Assorted Crayons (288) £14.99

Safety First Aid Book (1) £4.09

Cotton Wool Balls (Packs of 200)£2.98

Storage Boxes (6) £25.99

Glitter Pens (Pack of 24) £6.99

Colouring Pencils (20) £1.65

Stickers (550) £5.99

Googly eyes (4 sheets) £4.00

Blu Tack (60 grams) £1.00

Foam Football (12 balls) £9.39

Scissors (32) £19.28

Total £322.24