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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Running your Unit

All you need to know on running a successful Scout Network.

Programme and structure

Everything you need to know about the structure, programme and a useful checklist for running a successful Scout Network.

Discover more about the programme

Forming a District Scout Network

It's a requirement of Policy, Organisation and Rules that every District has one District Scout Network only. 

Learn more about forming a district


The way that a District chooses to finance its Scout Network provision is very much a decision made locally. However, there are a number of rules, which must be adhered to.

Learn more about funding

Scout Network Support Roles

Discover Training Requirements for Scout Network Roles, including the District Scout Network Commissioner and the Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Network).

Read about the roles and the requirements

Options for 18+ in Scouting

Do you know someone who wants to do something for Scouting? There are numerous options available to young people aged 18 and over.

Check out their options

District Trustee Board

Scout Network members over the age of 18 are able to be trustees and full voting members of the District Trustee Board.

Learn more about District Trustee Board

Projects and events

The Scout Network programme is based around projects and events, and many people have been asking what is meant by these terms and what is the difference. We’ve therefore put together this guide to help you find your way through the jargon and plan brilliant projects and events.

Read our guidance

Link Arrangements

A Link Agreement is a simple written agreement within the Scout District between all of the Explorer Scout provision (all of the Explorer Scout Units) and the District Scout Network with the primary purpose of ensuring a smooth transition of young people from Explorer Scouts to Scout Network at the age of 18.

Discover the main elements

District Scout Network Commissioner Essentials

The District Scout Network Commissioner will line manage one or more Programme Co-ordinators. A District Scout Network Commissioner (DSNC) Essentials Guide is available to support District Commissioners (DCs) with DSNC inductions and to act as a source of reference to DSNCs in their role.

Read the guide