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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Support roles and training requirements

Commissioners who Support Scout Network


Every District should have only one District Scout Network. We believe this will make the pathway from Explorer Scouts to Scout Network clearer, as well as providing one point of contact for those seeking to join Scout Network from outside Scouting.

No. Adult service awards are for time given to holding an adult appointment not a youth role which Scout Network membership is considered.

Scout Network members involved in supporting local activity centres should be members of a District Scout Network. Their volunteering with local activity centres should be done through projects associated with the programme.

Flexible volunteering could mean that in some Districts it may be appropriate to combine the role of District Explorer Scout Commissioner and District Scout Network Commissioner. The individual will be required to have both roles added to their membership record.

Ideally, every District should have a District Scout Network and a District Scout Network Commissioner.  There is an exception process that will need to be followed if this structure cannot be put in place for your District.
Can we appoint District Scout Network Leaders?
No. Moving forward, the role of District Scout Network Leader is being discontinued.

Yes, and should work closely with the District Explorer Scout Commissioner.


Scout Network members involved in Air Scouting or Sea Scouting are Members of the District Scout Network like all other young adults aged 18-25. Given the specific interests in air and sea activities, these Scout Network members may focus their activities through projects related to air and sea. They can continue to wear the Air and Sea Scout Network uniform.

Members of The Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO) are welcome to join the Scout Network, either through local District Scout Networks or the UK Scout Network if they don't have a connection with a District. District Scout Network Commissioners together with ACCs (Scout Network) should look to raise awareness of the Scout Network amongst student populations.

These roles will be closed after the transition period. Scout Network will be supported by a District Scout Network Commissioner and an Assistant County Commissioner (Scout Network). If members express an interest in these roles they will need to follow the existing appointment process. 

You should be aware of the following information:

  1. A Nights Away Permit holder has responsibility for any night’s away activities where under 18s are present (POR 9.2).
  2. Where adults are present at the event the permit holder must be onsite. Therefore meaning, in a joint Explorer Scout and Scout Network event a night’s away permit holder must be onsite and you cannot operate under Event Passports.
  3. A minimum of two Scout Network members must have a full adult role (in order to meet the Explorer Scout ratios outlined in POR 4.4) and appropriate vetting checks (as per POR Chapter 16) and one must have the relevant level of Nights Away Permit.
  4. Although Scout Network members are youth members, where they could be considered to be in a leadership position or during overnight activities where no leaders are present, they would be considered to be adults. Therefore subject to the appointment requirements as explained in point 3.
  5. A Scout Network member cannot hold a Nights Away Permit without a full adult role, this could be a Skills Instructor or an Active Support Member, both of which can hold a permit unlike an Occasional Helper.
  6. The Nights Away Permit must be relevant to the type of accommodation used and the Nights Away Adviser can make recommendations for restrictions to suit the experience and competence of the individual.
  7. The issuing Commissioner must be satisfied the Scout Network member understands their responsibility as the permit holder (and adult). The permit only needs to be held by one of the two over 18s. Outside the two with adult roles, the other over 18’s can attend within their Scout Network roles. 
  8.  A young person who turns 18 during an event or residential activity (of no more than one month’s duration) shall be treated as under 18, and be subject to all rules applicable to under 18 year olds, for the duration of that event (POR 4.3.1).
  9. The adults are therefore responsible for ensuring the policies and rules of The Scout Association are followed, including adherence with the Yellow Card, Green Card etc.

Therefore (as an example):

An expedition team made up of both Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members, where an overnight stay is part of the activity, will require a nights away permit holder to be present. A minimum of two Scout Network members must have a full adult role (in order to meet the Explorer Scout ratios outlined in POR 4.4) and appropriate vetting checks (as per POR Chapter 16) and one must have the relevant level of Nights Away Permit. Any additional Scout Network members do not require an adult role and may attend in their capacity as a member of the Scout Network.

No. Event passports can only be used where an adult is not present overnight, Scout Network members are adults and therefore a Nights Away Permit holder is required to be present during the overnight element of the event.


Any other adults with appropriate roles can fulfil the requirement to have adults present, including the requirement for nights away permits. Where the young people are on an expedition which requires them to be independent the nights away permit holder and leaders can be separate from the group whilst still on the same site overnight. The leaders would have responsibility for the group and event passports would not be suitable (as Scout Network members are present).

A young person who turns 18 during an event or residential activity (of no more than one month’s duration) shall be treated as under 18, and be subject to all rules applicable to under 18 year olds, for the duration of that event (POR 4.3.1).

Programme Coordinators

There is no requirement for them to be registered or appointed at present. The exception to this is if someone over the age of 25 is appointed and has no other role in scouting their role will be a District Scouter appointment, where the normal rules apply.

No. This is primarily an informal role to assist District Scout Network Commissioners in ensuring participation in the programme, particularly with regard to Projects. It is anticipated that older Members of the District Scout Network will be able to fulfil the role, although provision is made for people over the age of 25 to take on this role, but as a District Scouter.

As it is not an Adult Appointment, there are no official training requirements.

No. Members manage the projects and events but Programme Coordinators are there to support this with experience. The Programme Coordinator is not a Project Coordinator. They are there to support Members of the District Scout Network in shaping their projects and participation in the programme so that they get the most out of their time in the Scout Network.

The number of Programme Coordinators will depend on the functions that are needed to successfully support the District Network section. It will therefore be up to the District Scout Network Commissioner and District Commissioner to discuss the number of Coordinators needed.

Scout Network Role Descriptions

Read the role descriptions

District Scout Network Commissioner Essentials guide

There are various support roles available within Scout Network. The District Scout Network Commissioner will line manage one or more Programme coordinators. This guide will support DCs with DSNC inductions.

Read the guide