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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Helping Cubs take the lead

Helping Cubs take the lead

We believe in empowering young people to take the lead and make their own choices wherever possible, which is why we try to make sure all of Cub meetings are run in collaboration with young people themselves, and designed around their interests and needs. Across the organisation, this is often referred to as 'Youth Shaped Scouting'.

The more young people are involved in shaping their experiences, the more they will get out of them, and the more likely they are to thrive within the Scouts – achieving their top awards, and staying on to the older sections. One way you can make this happen is by making sure your Cubs should get plenty of opportunities to practice peer leadership, in their Sixes and elsewhere. 

What are Sixes?

Within their Pack, Cubs are split into smaller groups called Sixes, headed up by a Sixer, with an optional Seconder by their side. Sixers and Seconders are Cub Scouts who are chosen to take on leadership responsibilities, such as helping new members settle in, or taking charge of a particular game or activity. They are role models for the rest of the group, always there to lend an ear and go the extra mile.

As the leader, you’re responsible for deciding who takes on the role and for how long. Usually, Sixers will rotate so that each Cub gets the opportunity to take the lead when they’re ready.

Playing a role within their Six is a great way for young people to practice working together as a team and build confidence. It’s also a useful way of establishing a routine and promoting positive behaviour within the Pack, giving young people somewhere to gather at the beginning and end of meetings, or during activities, for example. Win-win!

Electing Sixers and Seconders

Encourage people to demonstrate and develop their leadership skills by electing Sixers and Seconders.


Other ways to help Cubs lead

Being Youth Shaped isn't just about giving young people opportunities to lead in their Sixes and elsewhere. It's about making sure Cubs at the heart of the planning process, and having open conversations about what's working well and what could be even better.

Which activities do your Cubs enjoy most? Which do they enjoy less? What interests them? Why are they here? By asking questions and being receptive to the answers, you can centre everything you do around your Cubs with ease, and make the most of their time in the section.

Badge Bucket List

Sixers lead a Pack forum where Cubs can talk about (and vote for) the badges they want to achieve.

Just throwing it out there

Share your ideas for future activities and adventures by throwing them around the room in a ‘snowball’ fight.