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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Assessment is to make sure that ensembles are performing or singing at an appropriate standard. 

Local Public Musical Performance 

For Local Public Performances that are not High Profile Public Performances (as defined in the definitions section) the ensemble Manager/Leader will make the decision whether the ensemble is at the required standard to perform in public. This will be a self-assessment.  

When deciding if your ensemble is ready to perform locally consider the following questions: 

  • Is the performance suitable and of a high enough standard to represent Scouting? This will include factors such as: 

    • Instruments chosen are played competently.  

    • Errors are infrequent, and only evident in more challenging pieces.  

    • Sound is enjoyable and appropriate for the context 

  • Is the performance environment safe and has it been risk assessed 

  • Does everyone have appropriate attire? 

  • Are there sufficient number of people for the type of performance?  

  • Are there a range of pieces, appropriate for the type of musical performance? 

High Profile Musical Performances 

For High Profile Musical Performances assessment is compulsory.  

This includes any performances that fall into the category of High Profile Musical Performances as defined in the Definitions section above. This is due to the increased exposure that this event will receive from the public and media. Assessment makes sure that adults and young people are suitably prepared and supported to deliver a performance of exceptionally high quality. NB. If you are not sure if you fall into this category please contact the National Performing Arts SASU who will be able to help you.  

Requests for assessment must be made a minimum of 3 months prior to a high profile event, where possible 6 months notice is appreciated.  

Ensembles can request and are encouraged to be assessed at any stage to find out whether they are at the correct standard for a high profile event. Ensembles are encouraged to maintain their assessment. 

An ensemble must be assessed for the type of event that they which to take part in: 

  • e.g A parade would require assessment in both marching, musical ability and performance skills. 

  • e.g A concert would require assessment in musical ability and performance skills. 

The responsibility and approval for assessment lies with the local Commissioner / Lead Volunteer who in partnership with the National Performing Arts SASU will identify an appropriate person to conduct the assessment for high profile events.  

When considering high profile events this needs to be an individual who has the experience and skills below:  

  • Musical Director or Band Leader of a successful ensemble and/or a music teacher and/or high ranking member of a military band and/or conducting experience and/or similar 

  • Experience of youth bands/ensembles 

  • Been involved in leading and ensemble at a high profile national Scout event previously. 

The assessment lasts a maximum of 2 years. However if there are significant changes to personnel such as change of 50% of the membership or a change of Ensemble Leader, then you will need to request a further assessment. Note these are examples only; there may be other situations when assessment before 2 years is required.  

If ensembles wish to be considered for a high profile event such as performing at The Day of Celebration and Achievement at Windsor Castle then please contact the National Performing Arts SASU.  

Following assessment an assessment form is completed and this will be shared with the musical ensemble. It will also be shared with the local Commissioner /Lead Volunteer for approval and the National Performing Arts SASU who will log the assessment in case of suitable performance opportunities arising.  

After a successful assessment the local Commissioner / Lead Volunteer and Ensemble Manager/Leader will determine an appropriate way to celebrate.