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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Action Points

Action Points

1. Supporting County Assessors


1. Identify potential County Assessors

2. Ensure assessors have the relevant external qualification for their role

3. Ensure assessors qualification is current and they can show recent commitment to that activity

4. Promote funding opportunities to potential assessors.

5. Ensure that assessors have the correct qualities for the role

6. Ensure the role is appropriately recorded on Compass

7. Arrange for the applicant to complete the appropriate safeguarding checks.

8. Appointments Secretary will arrange a meeting with the County Appointments Advisory Committee for approval and record the role on Compass when it is approved

9. Induct the new Assessor into their role

10. Ensure that the Assessor has a Training Adviser to support them through Essential
Information (module 1) and Assessing Learning - Activity Assessors (module 25)

11. Their role should change from Provisional to Full once they have completed the appropriate safeguarding checks and basic level training. 

Carry out the role of an Assessor

1. Facilitate the organisation of assessment courses

2. Facilitate a system which allows assessors to review and compare previous assessments

3. Facilitate opportunities for assessors to work with or shadow other assessors

4. Facilitate opportunities for assessors to work with assessors from other Counties

5. Ensure opportunities for assessors to carry out CPD

6. Carry out informal ongoing reviews with assessors

Review appointment

1. Carry out a formal review for each Assessor at the end of period of appointment

2. Ensure the Assessor has completed a disclosure check within the previous five years

3. Ensure the Assessor still holds the relevant external qualification for their role

4. Ensure the Assessor has validated module 25 for Activity Assessors

5. Ensure the Assessor has CPD (minimum one day internal, one day external/technical) within the period of their appointment.

6. Promote funding opportunities to support with CPD.

7. Ensure the Assessor has a continued understanding of their role and identify any gaps or training requirements

8. Ensure the Assessor has the time, enthusiasm and energy for the role

9. Ensure the Assessor is happy to continue with the role

10. Complete form AR and send it to the Appointments Secretary

2. Supporting those applying for permits and facilitating opportunities for them

1. Ensure leaders understand the permit scheme and the opportunities it provides

2. Manage assessment courses

3. Promote assessment opportunities to leaders

4. Help find Assessors for permit applicants

5. Promote training opportunities

6. Ensure permit holders are aware of expiration dates

7. Promote funding opportunities to potential permit holders

3. Supporting Commissioners with their role within the activity permit scheme

1. Ensure Commissioners are aware of their role within the permit scheme

2. Ensure Commissioners know where to get support for their role within the permit scheme

3. Ensure Commissioners are correctly recording permits on Compass

4. Carrying out the annual County moderation of the activity permit scheme

1. Moderate the County activity permit scheme management using the self-moderation form

2. Identify action plans to meet areas that have not been met

3. Agree moderation and action plans with County Commissioner

4. Carry out any action plans that have been assigned to you

5. Send completed moderation form to UKHQ if your County has been selected for sampling