Nights away with younger sections
Nights away with younger sections
FS120073 (Published January 2023)
Nights away are an important part of the Scouts programme and badge work, offering new opportunities and experiences to our members.
Any nights away experience for young people needs to be led by an adult holding an appropriate Nights Away Permit.
Working with your local Nights Away Adviser, you’ll decide what the path to completing your permit looks like. It'll vary depending on your experience, but they’ll be there to support you along the way. This is a great way to build your confidence and learn new skills and about how to run a safe residential activity.
There are some helpful questions and answers to guide you through some of the unknown ground.
Remember that a good team makes for a great event. Plan together with other volunteers from your team and ask other permit holders in your Group or District about what they have done that worked well.
A theme for the residential is a good foundation, and start simple. Have shorter events closer to home, before reaching out and being a bit more ambitious.
Take a look at these Nights Away pages to explore ideas for planning, running and reviewing your nights away experiences.
This guidance is specifically aimed at those who work with younger members, offering hints and tips which will be useful along the way.
This doesn’t replace the bank of resources available to support all members with nights away activities.
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Amazing event, the Squirrels were engaged with plenty of leader and young leader support. Lots of careful planning and communication. Squirrels were awesome and just got on with everything showing Squirrels are more than capable of sleepovers/camp
Volunteer on a Squirrel nights away pilot
The Beavers were so excited to be outdoors and joining in with such a big adventure. They wanted to try every activity available to them. They felt so grown up, getting into their tents and ‘being just like Scouts’.
Volunteer after Beaver camp.
Don't forget to check out the nights away staged badge.