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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Bring a friend

If you have a few spaces in your section but you’re a little anxious about a big recruitment drive that could mean you end up with a huge waiting list, then a ‘Bring a Friend’ evening is a great way to get a few new members.  

Ask your young people to invite a friend who is the right age for the section to come with them to the next meeting. You can use the invite template on the Brand Centre or your young people could make invitations or flyers advertising the event to give to their friends, or badges to welcome them.  

At the session, run an easy, fun programme that everyone can join in with. Rocket building or a games night works well. There are lots of examples on the Activity Finder. Here are a feto get you started: 

At the end of the session, give information about the Group and details of how new members can sign up. Explain that there’s no big commitment - they can give it a try for a few weeks first if they’re not sure. 

Why not think about how to say thank you to the young people for bringing their friends? You might want to give out a certificate or prize to those who brought a new person along or your County/ District may have a ‘Buddy Badge’ you could present. 

If you’re also looking for volunteers, try a ‘Bring an adult’ evening. Encourage young people to bring a parent, carer, relative or friend for a fun evening of Scout activities. Get the adults involved in the activities so they can see what Scouts is all about. At the end of the session thank them for getting stuck in, and encourage them to give the four-week challenge a go.