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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Work out what you need and who can help

Work out what you need and who can help

We know that advertising tasks, rather than roles, is a great way of getting more volunteers through the door.
So ask yourself:
  • How could a role be broken down into tasks?
  • Could this role be shared?
  • Could it be done flexibly?
  • What sort of skills are needed to carry each task out?
  • Which qualities or life experiences would make someone a great fit?
  • What interests might someone who'd enjoy this role have?
Instead of advertising for a ‘Beaver leader’, you might advertise for someone:
  • Who enjoys interacting with young people.
  • Who would be great at organising craft activities.
  • Who has plenty of energy and enjoys playing games.
  • Who's patient and caring.
If you've been involved for a while, or even if you haven't, it's hard sometimes to put into words what you do and what you need a hand with, so below are some suggestions for what tasks you could advertise and ask new people to do to get them involved with volunteering.

Please remember, these are only suggestions! They may not cover everything you need doing in your teams and they aren’t necessarily all things you MUST do in your teams, just some ideas to help you decide what you need a hand with.

At Section meetings

Tasks for front line volunteers.

- Keeping on top of who has earned and received their badges
- Keeping young people’s personal details up to date
- Updating social media/website
- Coordinating new member joining and moving between sections
- Organising the parent/carer rota
- Teaching/helping other parents/carers how to sew on badges

- Coming to a section meeting 10 minutes early to help set up.  
- Taking the register
- Running a 10-minute starter activity each week
- Running weekly activities and games
- Buddying up with new volunteers
- Helping to tidy up for 10 minutes at the end

- Helping to build a termly programme
- Pulling together a weekly/monthly/termly newsletter
- Contacting parents/carers with programme changes
- Buying resources and equipment for the other volunteers
- Restocking first aid materials

On camps and events

Get adults involved away from your weekly meetings.

- Organising a programme
- Tracking payments

- Food shopping
- Helping to pack the kit
- Transporting kit to campsite

- Setting up tents/equipment
- Cooking
- Night shift!
- Packing down kit
- Taking photos

- Updating social media/website
- Putting stuff back in the stores
- Helping dry/clean kit

Running the Group

Include new volunteers behind the scenes.

- Moving Scouts up smoothly to Explorers
- Helping new young people join the Group
- Assisting with new volunteer recruitment
- Working towards making the Group representative of its area
- Creating a great welcome for new volunteers

- Helping Section teams to create a high quality programme
- Helping Section teams with risk assessments
- Keeping the Group up to date with District activities

- Supporting Young Leaders
- Organising Group adult social events
- Recognising and thanking volunteers
- Keeping an eye on mandatory requirements 
- Informally handling complaints

- Cutting the grass
- Emptying the bins
- Fixing things
- Taking external bookings
- Meeting and greeting external bookings