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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Section Leaders

Section Leaders

A Section Leader is the first point of contact for a Queen's or King's Scout on the parade. You will be trained to instruct and guide the Queen's and King's Scouts through the event, leading your section during the parade. We’re looking for people to help ensure that everyone enjoy the day as much as possible and are well looked after.

Over two weekends, a team of Queen's Scouts and King's Scouts will be trained to instruct and guide other Queen's Scouts and King's Scouts through the event, leading a section during the parade. They will also help to ensure that the group enjoy the day as much as possible and are well looked after.

This role is open to any member of Scouting who has achieved their Queen's Scout Award or King's Scout Award and will be aged 18+ at the time of the event. You will need to attend a rehearsal weekend in March, as well as the Day of Celebration and Achievement in spring.