Video guide on how to manage dashboards, create and export a report
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On this page you'll find video guides helping you to:
Start by signing in to scouts.org.uk.
On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Data explorer’.
On the ‘Data explorer’ page:
2. Type your unit into the ‘Select unit’ box.
3. Select a team from the dropdown menu.
4. Select a dashboard from the dropdown menu.
5. Click ‘View query’ to read more information.
Tasks for Lead Volunteers
Start by signing in to scouts.org.uk.
On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Data explorer’.
On the ‘Data explorer’ page:
2. Type your unit into the ‘Select unit’ box.
3. Select a team from the dropdown menu.
4. Select a dashboard from the dropdown menu.
5. Click ‘Clone dashboard’.
6. Click the text box and edit your dashboard name.
7. Click ‘Clone’.
A message will appear at the bottom of the page confirming that you've successfully cloned your dashboard.
On the ‘Data explorer’ page:
8. Select your cloned dashboard from the dropdown menu (you might need to reload the page in your browser first).
9. Click ‘Share dashboard’.
10. Type the member’s name into the ‘Search for a member’ text box and the member from the dropdown menu.
11. Click ‘Submit’.
A message will appear at the bottom of the page confirming that you've successfully shared your dashboard.
Start by signing in to scouts.org.uk.
On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Data explorer’.
On the ‘Data explorer’ page:
2. Type your unit into the ‘Select unit’ box.
3. Select a team from the dropdown menu.
4. Select a dashboard from the dropdown menu.
5. Click ‘New query’.
On the ‘Create query’ page:
6. Type your unit into the ‘Select unit’ box.
7. Select a team from the dropdown menu.
8. Swipe the toggle button to ‘Include all below hierarchy’.
9. Select a ‘Table’ from the dropdown menu.
If required, select ‘Saved queries’ from the dropdown menu.
10. Select ‘Fields’ from the dropdown menu.
11. Select ‘Aggregate function’ from the dropdown menu.
If required, select ‘Aggregate fields’ from the dropdown menu.
12. Click ‘Run query’.
Start by signing in to scouts.org.uk.
On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Data explorer’.
On the ‘Data explorer’ page:
2. Type your unit into the ‘Select unit’ box.
3. Select a team from the dropdown menu.
4. Select a dashboard from the dropdown menu.
5. Click ‘View query’.
On the ‘View query’ page:
6. Click ‘Download’.
A message will appear at the bottom of the page informing you will be notified when the download is ready.
On the top right, click the ‘notifications’ symbol. On the ‘Notifications’ page:
7. Click 'Download’ under the ‘Description’ column.
Please be mindful that downloads from Data Explorer are password protected. You'll receive the password by email.