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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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10. Training & Validation

10. Training & Validation

Some responsibilities will also require training or demonstrations from a parent or the person with parental responsibility or care professional. This should be updated regularly as part of the ongoing review process. Training around personal care which is not medical can be provided by a parent or person with parental responsibility. Medical training will be completed within the Nominated Persons place of work and this will be verified through the appointments committee.

Training is not required if the person supporting the care is the carer outside of Scouts and named as the Designated Carer on the Individual Support Plan. It is paramount that all adults involved in Scouts are compliant with this policy and follow the agreed Individual Support Plan.

Online Training

To support the work of our volunteers Nominated Person training is required for those engaged in this care. This training will cover the different types of care provided, will provide some basic guidance and will also discuss the details and process of this policy.