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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Reminder emails

Every member will receive an email when their mandatory safety and/or safeguarding learning is due to expire soon.

To give our members a helping hand with their safety and safeguarding learning, we send an email to every member within one and two months before their learning expires. The emails are also sent to members who need to complete the mandatory learning through Getting Started.

Each email contains a link to the relevant training to complete and explains the steps members need to follow to validate their learning.

You can read the text for each email below - all details in italics are personalised in the email.

Last updated on 23 September 2024.

For renewals

[Action] Your Scouts mandatory safety learning is about to expire

Hi first name,

We wanted to get in touch to let you know that your mandatory safety learning is due to expire soon. Your learning will expire on Expiry date.  

However, later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period both Compass and the new systems will be unavailable. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass.

This module helps you to understand your responsibilities for keeping our people safe and the processes in place to support you.

It’s your responsibility to make sure that your learning remains up-to-date and failure to update your learning before it expires may result in your Lead Volunteer suspending or retiring your role.

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safety learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safety

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

If you’d like more details on our learning requirements so that you can understand why we need you to complete this module, then please visit the training pages on our website.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

Thank you as always for your support to Scouts. The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do.  

Please try to update your learning as soon as possible, so you can feel assured you have the knowledge and skills to keep young people and adults safe.

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member



For Getting started

[Action] You Scouts safety learning needs to be completed as part of Getting Started

Hi first name,

We wanted to get in touch to let you know that as part of our Getting Started learning, your mandatory safety learning will need to be completed within the next two months.  

Our Getting Started learning provides you with the key skills and information you need to support you with your new role in Scouts. This webpage outlines all the modules you need to complete within your first five months in the role. If you’re keen to learn more, please contact your Lead Volunteer or your Training Adviser.  

Our mandatory safety learning will help you to understand your responsibilities for keeping our people safe and the processes in place to support you.

Due to its importance, Lead Volunteers are instructed to suspend or cancel the role of any volunteers who does not complete this module.

Later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period neither systems will be available. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass. 

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safety learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safety

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

If you’d like more details on our learning requirements so that you can understand why we need you to complete this module, then please visit the training pages on our website.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

Thank you for your support to Scouts. The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do which is why we ask people to complete this learning.  

Please try to update your learning as soon as possible, so you can feel assured you have the knowledge and skills to keep young people and adults safe.

We wish you all the best with your next few months in the role.

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member


For renewals

[Action] Your Scouts mandatory safeguarding learning is about to expire

Hi first name,

We wanted to get in touch to let you know that your mandatory safeguarding learning is due to expire soon. Your learning will expire on Expiry date.  

However, later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period both Compass and the new systems will be unavailable. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass.

This module helps you to understand your responsibilities for safeguarding our young people and the processes in place to support you.

It’s your responsibility to make sure that your learning remains up-to-date and failure to update your learning before it expires may result in your Lead Volunteer suspending or retiring your role.

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safeguarding learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safeguarding

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

If you’d like more details on our learning requirements so that you can understand why we need you to complete this module, then please visit the training pages on our website.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

Thank you as always for your support to Scouts. The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do.  

Please try to complete your learning as soon as possible, so you can feel assured you have the knowledge and skills to safeguard our young people.  

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member



For Getting started

[Action] You Scouts safeguarding learning needs to be completed as part of Getting Started

Hi first name,

We wanted to get in touch to let you know that as part of our Getting Started learning, your mandatory safeguarding learning will need to be completed within the next two months.  

Our Getting Started learning provides you with the key skills and information you need to support you with your new role in Scouts. This webpage outlines all the modules you need to complete within your first five months in the role. If you’re keen to learn more, please contact your Lead Volunteer or your Training Adviser.  

Our mandatory safeguarding learning will help you understand your responsibilities for safeguarding our young people and the processes in place to support you.

Due to its importance, Lead Volunteers are instructed to suspend or cancel the role of any volunteers who does not complete this module.

Later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period neither systems will be available. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass. 

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safeguarding learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safeguarding

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

If you’d like more details on our learning requirements so that you can understand why we need you to complete this module, then please visit the training pages on our website.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

Thank you for your support to Scouts. The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do which is why we ask people to complete this learning.  

Please try to update your learning as soon as possible, so you can feel assured you have the knowledge and skills to safeguard our young people.

We wish you all the best with your next few months in the role.

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member


For renewals

[Action] Your Scouts mandatory safety learning is about to expire

Hi first name,

Since our email last month, we noticed your mandatory safety learning still needs to be completed. This will need to be completed by Expiry date.

However, later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period both Compass and the new systems will be unavailable. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass.

This module helps you to understand your responsibilities for keeping our people safe and the processes in place to support you.

It’s a very important module, which means if it's not completed by Expiry date your Lead Volunteer will be instructed to suspend your role until it’s completed.

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safety learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safety

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

Thank you for your support to Scouts. The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do which is why we ask people to complete this learning.  

Please complete this module within the next month, so you can feel assured you have the knowledge and skills to keep young people and adults safe.

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member



For Getting started

[Action] Your Scouts safety learning will need to be completed in the next month

Hi first name,

Following on from our reminder last month, we notice that your mandatory safety learning has still not been updated. We wanted to get in touch to let you know that your mandatory safety learning is due to expire within the next month and must be completed.

This module helps you to understand your responsibilities for keeping our people safe and the processes in place to support you.

Should you let your learning expire, your Lead Volunteer will be instructed to suspend your role until the learning is updated or they may cancel your role if it’s more appropriate.

Later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period neither systems will be available. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass.

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safety learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safeguarding

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

If you’d like more details on our learning requirements so that you can understand why we need you to complete this module, then please visit the training pages on our website.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do. We appreciate all the support you continue to offer our young people.

Please update your learning within the next month to ensure you have the knowledge and skills to keep young people safe.

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member


For renewals

[Action] Your Scouts mandatory safeguarding learning is about to expire

Hi first name,

Since our email last month, we noticed your mandatory safeguarding learning still needs to be completed. This will need to be completed by Expiry date.

However, later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period both Compass and the new systems will be unavailable. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass.

This module helps you to understand your responsibilities for safeguarding our young people and the processes in place to support you.

It’s a very important module, which means if it's not completed by Expiry date your Lead Volunteer will be instructed to suspend your role until it’s completed.

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safeguarding learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safeguarding

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

Thank you for your support to Scouts. The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do which is why we ask people to complete this learning.  

Please complete this module within the next month, so you can feel assured you have the knowledge and skills to safeguard our young people.  

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member



For Getting started

[Action] Your Scouts safeguarding learning will need to be completed in the next month

Hi first name,

Following on from our reminder last month, we notice that your mandatory safeguarding learning has still not been updated. We wanted to get in touch to let you know that your mandatory safety learning is due to expire within the next month and must be completed.

This module helps you to understand your responsibilities for safeguarding our young people and the processes in place to support you.  

Should you let your learning expire, your Lead Volunteer will be instructed to suspend your role until the learning is updated or they may cancel your role if it’s more appropriate.

Later this year Compass will be replaced with new digital systems and for a short period neither systems will be available. To support a smooth transition, it will help if you can complete your learning as soon as possible and make sure its recorded on Compass.

How to update your learning

You can update your learning online within 45 minutes.  

Update your safeguarding learning 

Once completed you’ll need to have your Compass record updated. You can do this by either contacting your local Lead Volunteer or your local training team. If you’re really unsure who they are, then please email (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:


Membership number:

Module completed: Safeguarding

To get your Compass record updated, please send your end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle, we have some information online which may help.

If you’d like more details on our learning requirements so that you can understand why we need you to complete this module, then please visit the training pages on our website.

What if I've already updated my learning or left Scouts?

If you’ve already updated your learning, please check with your Lead Volunteer or local training team to make sure it’s been recorded on Compass.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Lead Volunteer so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving any further emails related to learning.

Thank you

The safety of our young people is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do. We appreciate all the support you continue to offer our young people.

Please update your learning within the next month to ensure you have the knowledge and skills to safeguard our young people.  

Best wishes,

Mark Bache

UK People Delivery Team Member


Overdue training emails

Members whose First Response learning has expired will receive emails supporting them to complete the module.

Taka a look at the emails