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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Overdue training emails

Members whose training has expired will receive emails supporting them to complete their training.

To help us make sure our members are keeping up to date with their training, we send an email to support every member whose safety, safeguarding and first aid training modules expire.

Each email explains how a member can complete the relevant training and explains the steps they will need to follow to validate their learning. Members will receive details for each separate area they need to complete. 

You can read the text for each email below - all details in italics are personalised in the email.

Last updated on 10 June 2022. 

Important – you need to complete your Scouts training

Hi Knownas name,

Volunteers are at the heart of everything we do at Scouts. Our training is just as much about developing your own skills as a volunteer, as it is empowering you with the tools and knowledge for the role.

It’s also vital to make sure that you’re aware of our main policies and procedures for keeping everyone safe.

According to your Compass record checked on XXXX, we’ve noticed that you’ve got one or more training module(s) overdue. Below you’ll find details of the module(s) we need you to complete and how you can validate your learning. If you’ve completed the module(s) since this date and had it recorded on Compass, you may ignore this email.

Your Scouts safety training needs completing…

Our safety training helps you understand your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults safe. It also explains how to assess and manage risk and understand your role as the leader in charge. 

It’s easy to do online by clicking the button below, although once you’ve completed the module you’ll need to get your learning validated on Compass.  

You can do this by either contacting your local line manager or training team. Or if you’re really unsure who they are, then by emailing (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:

Name: Name

Membership Number: Membership number

Module completed: Safety

To prove you’ve completed the module you’ll need to provide proof. This could be in the form of the end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle we have some information online which may help.

Complete your safety training now

Your Scouts safeguarding training needs completing…

Our safeguarding training will help you to understand our safeguarding policies. It’ll teach you how to recognise abuse and tells you where to turn if you have a concern. 

It’s easy to do online by clicking the button below, although once you’ve completed the module you’ll need to get your learning validated on Compass.  

You can do this by either contacting your local line manager or training team. Or if you’re really unsure who they are, then by emailing (or if you live in Northern Ireland) with the information below:

Name: Name

Membership Number: Membership number

Module completed: Safeguarding

To prove you’ve completed the module you’ll need to provide proof. This could be in the form of the end of module certificate (either downloaded or screenshot) or a screenshot of your 100% page showing evidence of the module. If you really struggle we have some information online which may help.

Complete your safeguarding training now

Your Scouts first aid training needs completing…

We know that it has been difficult to undertake practical first aid training due to COVID-19 restrictions, as we start face-to-face activities we are reminding people who need to renew their first aid training. 

It is clearly best if we are equipped with the skills and knowledge to react in a first aid emergency. It’s also best practice to make sure you have at least one fully trained first aider present at any Scouting activity. Our First Response training, split into two modules 10A (theory) and 10B (practical validation), will help make sure you know what to do.

Currently, there are a number of ways to complete this training:

  • 3 x 2hr online facilitated sessions, followed by a short (15-20min) face-to-face validation session
  • The blended model consisting of a 2.5hr eLearning module followed by a 2.5hr online facilitated session, and then a short (15-20min) face-to-face validation session
  • Face-to-face six-hour training course

First Response is delivered locally, so you’ll need to contact your local training team to find a suitable option for you. If you’re unsure who your Training Adviser is, your line manager should be able to help. You may also find details on how to complete a local course on your County, Area or Region website.

If you've already completed this module, please speak to either your line manager or training team who should be able to update your Compass record.

You can find more information about first aid training here.

We’d appreciate it if you could make it your priority to complete this training as soon as you can. In some cases these modules play an important part in keeping members safe, and any delay to completing the training may result in your line manager restricting your role until you are up-to-date.

If you’d like more details on our training requirements so that you can understand why you’ve been contacted, then please visit the training pages on our website.

If you’ve left Scouts recently, we’re sorry that you received this email, but please don’t disregard it. Could we ask that you email your local Scout manager (for example your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner) so they can update our records. If you’re not sure who this is, please complete this form and we will arrange to update our records. This will make sure you stop receiving these emails.

Thank you as always for your support to Scouts, please work with us to complete this training soon to help us make sure every leader has the knowledge and skills to keep young people and adults safe.

The Scouts

Reminder emails

We're also sending emails to members when their safety and/or safeguarding training is due to expire in 60 and 30 days.

View the emails