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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Story Trails

Get your Squirrels moving with our ideas for taking them on a story trail (it's a bit like a treasure hunt)


Set up parts of the story in different locations. This could be inside or outside.

Pre-set a prop to discover in each place as a clue to what is going to happen next in the story. Hide anything you have set up under a piece of fabric or in a box, so they don't see it straight away.

Have an action or task for the children to respond to in each location. It can be as simple as – slither like a snake, answer a riddle or twinkle like stars – anything to get them actively involved in the story.


Explore different feelings and learn about emotions with colour, paint, and movement.

They can start managing feelings of frustrations, sadness, and upset. 

Feel good can also be linked to community impact. Helping others is central to feeling good.

Example of vocabulary to use :

'I am happy when... I am unhappy when...' 


'What makes me happy is... What makes me unhappy is...'

Follow-up activity

Encourage squirrels to do some physical activities from the story, such as skipping, limbo or hula-hooping. Or become a buzzing bee and use signals to direct your teammates to the right flower.

Children love to dance. It's a way to express themselves. Encourage them to create simple choreographies

Children can learn the importance of mental and physical wellbeing

Being active boosts children's focus and increases their attention span.