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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Taking part in a regular physical activity is an amazing way for you to develop stamina and confidence, build a range of skills and improve your health and wellbeing.

There really is an activity for everyone, even if you don't consider yourself as being sporty. It's just about finding one which excites and interests you enough to follow through with.

You might want to try something completely new, or you might prefer to develop in an area you're already pursuing (like in a specific sport, or in general fitness). Remember: lots of the activities you're already completing through Scouts – like canoeing, caving, rock climbing, rowing, sailing or walking – could be a great match. 


  • You need to have a suitable assessor matched to you before you get started: they'll need to agree with you on your goals for the section, and to fill out a report to track your progress at the end 
  • You need to make sure you’re doing activities for the correct length of time
  • You can always chat to your leader and County DofE Adviser for advice if you're stuck or unsure 

Physical Ideas

  • Ballet
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Irish dancing
  • Latin dancing
  • Caving & potholing
  • Climbing
  • Mountain biking
  • Parachuting/skydiving
  • Skateboarding Snowsports (Skiing, Snowboarding)
  • Cheerleading
  • Fitness activities
  • Gymnastics
  • Keep fit
  • Medau movement
  • Physical achievement
  • Pilates
  • Trampolining
  • Walking
  • Weightlifting
  • Archery
  • Athletics
  • Biathlon/Triathlon/Pentathlon
  • Carpet bowling
  • Cross-country running
  • Cycling
  • Fencing
  • Golf
  • Horse riding
  • Orienteering
  • Roller blading


  • Judo
  • Karate
  • Self-defence
  • Tai Kwon Do
  • Badminton
  • Real tennis
  • Squash
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • American Football
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Boccia
  • Camogie
  • Cricket
  • Curling
  • Football
  • Handball
  • Hockey
  • Hurling
  • Kabaddi
  • Lacrosse
  • Netball
  • Polo
  • Rounders
  • Rugby League
  • Rugby Union
  • Tchoukball
  • Ultimate Flying Disc
  • Volleyball
  • Canoeing
  • Diving
  • Dragon boat racing
  • Rowing
  • Sailing
  • Sub aqua (SCUBA diving and snorkelling)
  • Surfing/body boarding
  • Swimming
  • Windsurfing
Physical checklist:
  • Make sure it's a physical activity rather than a skill! If it makes you sweat and takes physical effort you're probably good.
  • You've agreed your activity with your leader before getting started and you've found a suitable assessor
  • Your physical activity averages out at about an hour a week
  • You'll be able to show progression over your time doing your physical activity

Leader Notes

  • Remind your young people of all of the physical activities they're already completing through Scouts - like climbing, walking, rowing or canoeing - could be a great match.
  • If an activity's being completed through Scouts, make sure it's in line with Policy, Organisation and Rules.
  • Many physical activities that count for DofE also count towards other activity badges.
Young person mountain biking

Current opportunities available for the Physical Section

Young people choose activities for each section of the DofE that are specific and relevant to them. Here is a list of activities and opportunities that are currently being offered to help create your individual DofE programme.

Some opportunities on this page are external to Scouting. Participants/parents/carers booking onto any opportunities should confirm the opportunity meets the criteria of the section they are completing and should follow policies and procedures if the provider as well as following Scouting Safeguarding guidelines.

Staying safe and safeguarding | Scouts

Following rules and policy | Scouts

If you have an opportunity you think would benefit others and would like to share, please send the details to

DofE Opportunity Finder

The DofE have lots of opportunities for each section on their website

Find an opportunity here

Ideas for Activities

The DofE have ideas for activities for all sections on their website

Find ideas here

Funding opportunities

Check out the details of available funding, eligibility criteria and how to apply on the DofE website.

Find funding here