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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Starting and organising a staged performance

Starting and organising a staged performance

All staged performances must follow POR. This includes the appointment and training of all adults involved. All groups must have a Chair appointed by the relevant Commissioner / Lead Volunteer who is responsible for making sure that the performance is set up for success. 

Before starting the following needs to be considered:

Before starting a performance, its aims and objectives should be documented. This includes what is hoped to be achieved and what is needed to realise these objectives.

There may be short, medium and/or long term objectives.

Some example goals below may help you:

·       Provide a safe, friendly, supportive environment for young people to grow, especially those who may not have this opportunity elsewhere.

·       Be financially self-funding.

·       Promote personal development, Scouting values, inclusivity and a ‘relaxed’ performance.

·       Develop confidence, talent, friendships and self awareness of all members.

·       Raise the profile of Scouting and Girlguiding locally.

·       Celebrate an event / anniversary.

The Chair should discuss these with the relevant Commissioner / Lead Volunteer and keep them up to date with any changes. These will be used to determine approval for each show run to begin.

Staged performances are part of the programme for members. As with all activities they should be age appropriate. All sections could take part in a stage performance, but the age, maturity and abilities of any member must be taken into consideration. In addition, the legal aspects information below will guide you as to how the age of a young person might limit their participation in certain activities.

It is best practice for staged performances to be performed wholly by a cast under 25. This could include some or all of Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Scout Network. 

Always ensure the performance is about the young people. It is important that if over 25’s are performing they should not limit the places for under 25’s and should have supporting roles rather than leading roles.

Have the appropriate number of young people bearing in mind aspects such as the type of performance, size of the stage, dressing room facilities and the aims and objectives. There may be other factors linked to numbers pertinent to your performance.

Ensure that the staged performance is financially viable according to group/district/county/region guidelines. A treasurer should be appointed and the financial details on budgets, costs, marketing and how the show will be accounted for should be understood and detailed in the Group/District/County annual accounts.

Public liability insurance is covered under the Scouts national policy, a copy of the certificate can be obtained from the Scout Support Centre. Consideration for insurance of any equipment or specialist activities is needed, Unity Insurance are owned by the Scout Association and support Scout groups to ensure all insurance needs. 

Find a suitable rehearsal venue and performance venue. 

Rehearsal Venue

The rehearsal venue can be in a Scout/Guide meeting place, school, church hall or community hall or equivalent. Consideration on the suitability of a venue should include:-

  • Safety of the premises including fire regulations for the property (including maximum numbers)
  • Size of the building to rehearse – is it representative of the staged environment you’ll be performing in
  • Adequate toilet facilities
  • Security
  • Accessibility
  • Ventilation

It is also essential to confirm with the owner of the building that it is insured for the purposes of the activity to be undertaken. 

Performance Venue

The performance venue can be in a Scout/Guide meeting place, school, church hall or community hall or equivalent. Larger scale performances are often performed in an amateur or professional theatre. Consideration on the suitability of a venue should include:

  • Cost of hiring the venue
  • Facilities – does the hire come with sound/lighting/ushers etc and what facilities do you need yourself?
  • Fire regulations for the property (including maximum numbers for dressing room/stage space)
  • Adequate toilet facilities
  • Accessibility for the public to attend
  • Parking and transport links
  • Capacity of the venue – if you expect an audience of 200, do you require a 1000 seat theatre?

Make sure that all legal requirements are understood and adhered to by all the relevant leaders (see below for more information)

Ensure that the appropriate insurance is sourced (see below for more information).

Appropriate costuming, lighting, sound, make-up, venue, staging and other factors will be determined by the type of performance.

Take into account all Scout rules and procedures such as: Yellow Card, InTouch procedures, nights away permits and notifications, data protection, risk assessments and activity approval.

The ongoing support for the ensemble is likely to be part of the Group/ District/ County Programme Team.