Talent Management
What is Talent Management?
The Scout Association’s aim is to develop young people to their full potential, but we want our adult volunteers to be supported to reach their full potential as well. We’re always on the look-out for the next District Commissioner or Group Scout Leader.
Talent management is about identifying people to fill these positions early on, then developing the individual with directed learning and experience, before supporting them to find the right role for them.
How does this work in practice?
If you are keen to take on a more senior role in the Association, speak to your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner. They can help to find opportunities for you to develop until the opportunity for a more appropriate role comes up.
Such opportunities might include:
- Suggesting you complete some modules from the Leadership & Management training scheme
- Join a local or national working group, matched to your interests
- Take on a focused management role, such as Assistant District Commissioner
This work all forms part of The Scout Association’s Talent Management Model, which has been adopted nationally to help develop our volunteers to their full potential.
Who will be there to support me?
As always in Scouting, you will have the support of your line manager. Dependent on your role, this will usually be a Group Scout Leader, District Explorer Scout Commissioner or District Commissioner.
You will also be teamed up with a Mentor. A mentor is an experienced manager who can act as a sounding board and support you as you develop.
Further information
Your line manager is the key person to speak to locally make sure to check out the Talent Management in Practice