Disclosure process in Northern Ireland
Certain roles within Scouting require a Disclosure check to be completed as part of the Appointments Process. This page explains more about Disclosure checking for those who hold roles in Northern Ireland.
To find out which roles require a Disclosure check, please see Chapter 16: Adult Roles in Policy, Organisation & Rules.
Access Northern Ireland (AccessNI) Disclosure check
An AccessNI Disclosure is an important element for making safer appointment decisions, ensuring that appropriate people can work with vulnerable groups, including children.
The process begins by creating an NI Direct AccessNI online account.
NI Direct website account
Before a check can begin, an online account with the NI Direct website needs to be created by the applicant.
Checking of ID documents
Once an online account is set up on the NI Direct website, the applicant will need to meet with the volunteer line manager at a suitable venue with access to the internet. An invitation letter is available for line managers to use, which provides guidance information for the applicant. If this is a recheck for someone whose disclosure is about to expire then use the rechecks invitation letter.
At this meeting, the applicant will need to have their ID documents with them. A list of suitable ID documents is available in the template invitation letter as above.
Three documents should be produced in the name of the applicant; one from Group 1 and two from Group 1 or 2a or 2b. At least one document must show the applicant’s current address. If this is not possible, then four documents from Group 2a and 2b should be produced, one of which being a birth certificate issued after the time of birth. One document must show the applicant’s current address.
The applicant then completes an AccessNI enhanced application.
A pin specific to The Scout Association will need to be entered as part of this process. This can be found within the Group Scout Leader Checklist and the Group Scout Leader Rechecks Checklist.
Information form
As the ID document information is entered onto the AccessNI system, the volunteer line manager will need to complete an information form.
If this is a recheck for someone whose disclosure is about to expire use the rechecks information form. Once completed, this form needs to be returned to the local Appointment Secretary so that they are aware of an online application being in progress.
Issuing of the AccessNI Disclosure
Once the Disclosure certificate is issued to the volunteer by AccessNI, the Membership Engagement team at UKHQ will inform either the relevant Commissioner or the local Appointment Secretary of the outcome and whether the volunteer is able to start in their role. The volunteer’s Compass record will be updated to reflect the outcome.
Access NI will introduce digital certificates for applications received on or after 17 July 2018 that contain no information, there is no need to share this with us. If a disclosure does contain information then the applicant will receive a paper certificate and we will write to them, asking them to send it in following the usual vetting process.
AccessNI Disclosure checks are just one element of the National Vetting Process and the issuing of the certificate does not signify that the volunteer is able to begin straight away.
Further Guidance
Information on the process for AccessNI applications, and general information on AccessNI.
A copy of our policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders is available on request from The Scout Support Centre.
We will keep certain types of information for different periods of time in line with our data retention policy.
The Scout Association's Data Protection Policy
Access NI Code of Practice can be accessed via the Access NI website.
Access NI Privacy Notice can be accessed via the Access NI website.