Air Scouting
Grants of up to £2,500
Updated 8 February 2023
Funding to provide gliding scholarships, equipment, refurbishment of HQs, and training for Air Scouts.
- Applicants are required to contribute 50% towards the cost of the project
- Applicants can receive one grant up to a maximum of £2,500 in any 24-month period
- Where a Group and Unit are linked by a partnership agreement, they are treated as the same applicant
- Applicants may receive less than 50% or £2,500
- Air Scout Groups and Explorer Air Scout Units
- Land and Sea Scout Groups and Units.
- Planes, gliders, and other flight equipment
- Training and experiences for youth members; simulator flights, gliding, etc.
- Replacement and refurbishment costs, including for buildings and development
- Core running costs
- Be registered on Compass as an Air Scout Group or be linked with an Air Scout Group by a partnership agreement
- Proof that funds would be available to complete the project upon receipt of this grant
- The support of their DC
- A bank account in the name of a Scouting entity
- Completed all conditions of any previous Scouts Grants Committee funding, including monitoring and reporting requirements
- Between three and twelve months’ worth of unrestricted reserves
- The project must be completed within six months of the grant being awarded
- A report must be submitted upon completion of the project
- All general conditions of Scouts Grants Committee grants must be adhered to
This scheme is wholly funded by the WT Taylor Fund, which was created for the development of Air Scouting.
This fund is restricted and managed by the Scouts Grants Committee. Changes to the scheme’s current purpose, limits, and restrictions may be made with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Status: Paused
Funding for this grant scheme has been depleted. Discussions about the future of the fund are taking place.