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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Trans and gender identity

Find out more about supporting trans and gender diverse young members and adult volunteers

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Scouts is open to all and actively welcomes transgender young people and adults. Gender identity refers to your internal knowledge of your own gender (knowing you’re a man, woman or neither). This is different from your assigned ‘sex’. We're all assigned a sex at birth (male or female) based on the physical attributes we're born with. When a person whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth they may use the term trans or transgender to describe themselves.

To learn more about specific terms and definitions, check out Stonewall’s list of LGBTQ+ terms.

Please note that a person’s gender identity is not the same as their sexual orientation.

Scouts walking in a Pride march wearing rainbow neckers.

Supporting trans members

Parents and carers may have general questions about trans people, or if there is a trans member in your group.

Information about an individual’s trans identity is confidential and you must not share this with others without that person’s consent.

Even if a young member or adult volunteer is openly trans, it's important that their identity does not become a talking point in the section. You can direct parents and carers to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion pages and to our Scouts Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.

Let them know that as a volunteer your priority is to make sure that all members feel welcome, comfortable and included in Scouts. Our Scout values are respect, care, belief, integrity and co-operation, and it’s important all of our members act in line with these values.

Volunteers should be reminded of the Scout values of integrity, respect, care, belief and co-operation, as well as their commitment to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and their line manager should support them to change their practice.

Often, taking steps to raise awareness or understanding can help. This could involve discussion, or it may be useful to arrange an awareness raising session in your District/County. Our National Inclusion team may be able to support you with this.

Where a concern is not addressed or cannot be resolved informally, the Scouts' Complaints Policy should be followed.

It's the responsibility of all adults to act as role models by celebrating diversity and creating a safe, inclusive environment where all our members can enjoy Scouts.

Be aware that some countries aren't safe for transgender people to visit. This may be related to cultural attitudes, lack of legal protections for transgender people or anti-transgender legislation. Check the laws for the country before you visit and plan ahead. You could also consult the Asher & Lyric LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Index.

Trans people should use the facilities they feel most comfortable using.

You may want to talk to trans young people about which facilities they would like to use at regular meeting places and on residential trips. Remember, most young people would prefer privacy when using facilities.

Providing a range of options to everyone will not only avoid a trans person feeling singled out, uncomfortable or unsafe using facilities, but will probably make everyone else in the section feel more comfortable, too.

These practical ideas will help you to make sure everyone feels comfortable:

  • Providing mixed-gender (also known as ‘gender neutral’ or 'unisex') toilets wherever possible
  • Re-labelling one set of toilets, or an accessible toilet, as gender-neutral
  • Using venues with self-contained or individual toilets and shower cubicles that can be used by anyone
  • Designating a private changing space for anyone who needs to use it
  • Creating partitions using sheets or screens in changing areas, so that all members can have privacy

Supporting trans young people

Every young person and situation will be different.

You may be approached by a young person who tells you they are trans, who's planning to transition or who has already taken steps to do so.

Some young people may want to talk to the rest of the section about their identity and any changes they've already made or plan to make, while others may not.

A young person may be questioning their gender identity and be unsure if they are trans or not.

The first step to supporting any young person who tells you they’re trans, or who is questioning their gender identity, is to listen without making any judgements or assumptions. Reassure them that Scouts is an inclusive movement and that they'll always be welcome.

The next steps are to ask if there's anything they might need to make them feel comfortable and included in the section. The young person may talk about:

  • What pronouns or name they'd like to use and when to use these (this may not be all the time)
  • If, when and how they might like to share anything with other members in the section
  • Which toilets and facilities they'd like to use
  • Changes to their uniform
  • Where to find information or support outside of Scouts

A young person might not want to do anything at all or may need some time to think about any adjustments they need, so let them know that they can always come back to talk to you.

If a young person tells you that they are trans or think they might be trans, it's usually a positive sign that they trust you.

Reassure the young person that you will not share this personal information with others (including volunteers, members, parents/carers) without their permission, unless you have concerns for their welfare or safety. Doing so could not only be distressing for that young person but, importantly, would put you at risk of breaking data protection laws.

However, it's helpful to talk to the young person about whether they have told anyone else, such as parents, carers or other members, and who else it might be helpful to speak to, to make sure they're fully supported and included in Scouts. This could be, for example, speaking to a volunteer in the next section a young person is moving to or asking if the young person would like another volunteer to know for occasions when you're not there.

It's important to agree with the young person who else this information can be shared with and when, and to make sure that you/other volunteers don't share information more widely than this.

Information about trans identity is confidential and should not be shared, unless given consent from the young person or if there are any safeguarding concerns. Being trans, in and of itself, isn’t a safeguarding concern. If you’re concerned about a trans young person’s welfare, it would be appropriate to disclose that they’re trans if it’s relevant to the situation. For example, if they told you they were worried they might be made homeless if their parents/carers found out they were trans. All safeguarding concerns should be reported in line with our Yellow Card.

If you're unsure about a specific situation, worried about a potential data breach, or just need further advice or guidance, you can contact the Scout Support Centre on 0845 300 1818 or

All young members should be involved in advance when planning trips away to make sure they feel happy and comfortable with the arrangements.

There are lots of reasons why young people may have different requirements on trips. For many trans young people, privacy will be an important consideration. Making adjustments and being flexible will ensure that everyone feels able to join in.

Arrangements for trips should always be in line with risk assessments and Yellow Card procedures.

To make sure all members feel included you can:

  • Make a range of different sleeping options available to all members, including mixed-sex accommodation, single and multiple occupancy tents or dorms, or compartment tents with single rooms in them that a young person could discreetly use.
  • Speak to the young person discreetly about what would make them feel comfortable and included. Avoid making assumptions about what this will look like, but be aware that having access to a private space may be important.
  • Ask who they'd be happy to share accommodation with
  • Ensure, as with any young person, that you're aware of any medication they are taking. Ask the young person who they wish the adult volunteer to be responsible for this is and don't share this information more widely. Hormone replacement medication may be required during long camps and/or international trips. Adequate storage will be required, as will the ability to dispose of any needles safely and appropriately.

For trans members, it may be useful to create a plan to record any agreed adjustments, being mindful of confidentiality. Some young people will have made similar arrangements for school trips, which could be a useful starting point.

  • Allow young people to express their identity freely and avoid making assumptions.
  • Avoid using and challenge gendered stereotypes, such as 'boys like football’ or ‘girls like cooking.’
  • Avoid unnecessarily splitting the group into genders for activities or getting young people to line up boy/girl/boy.
  • People may use a wide range of labels to describe their gender identity, for example nonbinary or trans. It's okay if you don't know all of these identities, or what they mean. It might be worth spending some time researching them, or asking your young people what they understand about these identities/what these identities mean to them.
  • It's the responsibility of all adults in Scouts to help develop a caring and supportive atmosphere where bullying in any form is unacceptable. Look out for any signs of transphobic bullying and language. See our guidance on preventing and dealing with bullying. You may want to create a zero-tolerance policy towards LGBTQ+ bullying or discrimination within your Section or Group rules.
  • Act as a role model, or ally, regardless of your own gender identity, by being open and raising awareness about gender diversity. You don't need to be an expert. Adult volunteers who are open, offer positive messages and challenge transphobia will make a real difference in creating a more inclusive environment.

Supporting trans adults and volunteers

Everyone is different. However, you should always:

  • Respect the person’s rights and privacy. Don't share information about the person’s gender identity, unless at the specific request and agreement of the person. Doing so will put you at risk of breaking the law.
  • Reassure the person that you'll support them and ask how you can do this. Don’t be afraid to ask respectful questions about how you can support them.
  • Be sensitive and empathetic. Remember the volunteer or adult may be worried about your reaction, or have had negative reactions in the past.
  • Ask which name and pronouns you should use and when you should use these (this may not be all the time). Deal with any mistakes sensitively and simply correct yourself.
  • Support and discuss with the volunteer or adult how best to respond to any questions or comments from other volunteers, adults or young people.

If needed, you can seek support, information or guidance without revealing the person’s name/identity by contacting our Support Centre.

A current adult or volunteer may inform you that they will be changing their physical appearance to align with their gender identity. Some preparation and planning may be needed to support the volunteer.

You might discuss a range of options, including:

  • Remaining at the same section or unit, and if so how and when to communicate any changes to other members.
  • Taking a break for a number of weeks or months before returning to the Section/Unit.
  • If the adult or volunteer is uncomfortable remaining within the same section/unit, they may wish to move to a different section/unit, where they can be introduced as their gender identity.

Remember to update all communication and records to the volunteer’s correct name and pronouns. You don’t need to ask for proof or documentation of any kind to do this.

It may be appropriate or necessary for you and the volunteer to plan a discussion with young people or parents/carers in the section/unit. In this case, discuss and consider:

  • Who the volunteer is comfortable confiding in and what information they are happy to share.
  • Who will respond to any challenging or personal questions.
  • Existing awareness within the section/unit and the age and dynamics of the young people.

Further information

GIRES is a UK wide organisation whose purpose is to improve the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people of all ages, including those who are non-binary and non-gender.

Switchboard is a free and confidential support and information LGBTQIA+ helpline (telephone: 0300 330 0630)

Diversity Role Models is a charity that actively seeks to embed inclusion and empathy in the next generation with a focus on education around trans issues.

The Proud Trust is a life saving and life enhancing organisation that helps LGBT+ young people empower themselves, to make a positive change for themselves, and their communities.

Gendered Intelligence is a trans-led charity that works to increase the understanding and acceptance of gender diversity to improve the lives of trans people in the UK.

The Rainbow Project works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people in Northern Ireland.

Belfast Trust is a Regional Gender Identity Service at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.

LGBTQ+ volunteers in Scouts: Jackson and Astro

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