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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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1st Gilwell Park Scout Group

Welcome to our global community to celebrate the thousands of people who've earned their Wood Badge.

Baden-Powell ran his first official Wood Badge training course at Gilwell Park in 1919. Everyone who completed it was invited into the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group, a symbolic group to celebrate a shared love of Scouts where members could share wisdom with fellow members.

Scouts has grown into a global movement – there are quite a few more members of the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group than there were 100 years ago!

As a member of 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group, you know the importance of Scouts for young people, their communities and, ultimately, society as a whole.

Every donation raised helps another young person to gain skills for life. Your donations could help run the training for someone like you to get their first Wood Badge, or fund a new programme so young people in deprived areas experience new opportunities that they’ve only dreamed about. The possibilities are endless!


With a donation of as little as £2 a month, you’ll make sure more young people develop skills for life.

Make a donation to 1st Gilwell Park >

Thank you!

Every 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group member has already made a huge difference to young people and your communities.

Get in touch

Whether you have a question about 1st Gilwell Park, or wish to share your favourite Scout memories, get in touch.

Email 1st Gilwell Park >