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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Why does change happen and what’s change management?

Why does change happen and what’s change management?

Change happens for several different reasons and there are lots of different types of change. Some examples include:

  • Change to improve or make things better in some way
  • Change to solve a problem
  • Change that alters the way things are done

Change management’s a process that supports people to embrace change. It takes them from where they are now to where they need to be in the future.

Change management’s about recognising that people will have different responses to change. For some, change can be exciting. However, for others, change can be scary.

That’s why we’ve developed the ‘4 Steps of Change’ to give us a process to follow to guide us through the changes.

A 4-step process to help you roll out changes locally

If you're looking to make changes in your local area, we're here to help.  

We know that change can be scary and can affect people in different ways. Therefore, we’ve developed a simple 4-step process to guide you through the things you should be thinking about.  

People like you are the backbone of Scouts and make it all happen. But you’re not alone - we’re a team. 

To support change in your area, follow these 4 steps to map out a plan for each change or group of changes: 

  1. Understand
  2. Plan
  3. Deliver
  4. Keep going
1. Understand

It’s important to really understand what needs to change and why it’s needed. We also need to understand how attractive the change is to those who’ll need to adopt it, as well as the barriers people will face, as this helps us to know where support might be needed.

Get started developing your understanding >
2. Plan

Scouts love a good plan. If we’re hiking up a mountain, we need to map out a route that navigates us around any obstacles on the way. Use our tools to map out a change plan and support people to adopt upcoming changes. This’ll help to make it a smoother journey for everyone involved.

Access the tools to form your plan >
3. Deliver

When a change is being rolled out, it’s important that we provide support. Whether that’s offering training or working with people though whatever is worrying them, we need to listen to feedback, celebrate successes and respond to concerns.

Training and tools to help roll out changes >
4. Keep going

This is all about supporting people to continue with the change that has been made. This is where the magic happens, as it’s where you’ll experience the benefits of change.

How to maintain momentum >

Share our 4-step change process

If you’d like to discuss the 4-step process for change to your local meetings, you can use our pre-made slides to help explain the steps. Please note that the tools and supporting resources are only available online.

Download the slides