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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Preparing your record for data migration

Discover the tasks every volunteer needs to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Note – If you aren’t sure how to check your Compass record or update certain parts you should reach out to the person who manages this locally to help you. This is likely going to be your Group Lead Volunteer / Group Scout Leader or an administrator.

Ensure you have a personal, unique and functioning email address listed on Compass

There are two uses for email addresses on the new system:

·       The username for logging into the digital system.
This email address must be personal, unique and functioning.

·       The email address to which communications will be sent.

If there is no or a duplicate email address listed on Compass:

Any volunteers without an email address will be unable to log in to the new system and will need to contact the Support Centre after go-live.

For any volunteers with a duplicate email address recorded, only one record will migrate with the email as the login. This is likely to mean the login for a record is another person’s email address.

Action - Provide a personal, unique and functioning email address.

If there is one email address listed on Compass:

This will be used as both your username and communication address.

Action – Ensure email is personal, unique and functioning.

If there are multiple email addresses listed on Compass:

The email address marked as ‘volunteering’ will be used as your username and the email address marked as ‘scouting enquiries’ will be used for communications. Please make sure only one email address is marked as ‘volunteering’ and ‘scouting enquiries’.

Action – Mark email addresses with the correct categories.

Volunteers unable to get an email address:

For members that do not have an email address and cannot make one, don't have access to technology or have a disability or impairment there is a proxy system available so that another member can update their personal details. This proxy system should only be used where it is not possible for that member to login themselves. This can be setup after go-live.

Action – Ensure volunteer has no email address recorded on Compass

Make sure your Ethnicity, Faith/Religion, Address and Postcode are completed and accurate

Note - Compass won’t save updates to your personal details section unless the Ethnicity and Faith/Religion fields are completed

Work with your District/County to prepare your training record for migration

Ongoing Learning will not migrate across to the new system. There will be a new Qualifications area where relevant information can be added after go-live. Please make a note of any information from Ongoing Learning you wish to move across, so you can add it to the new system when it goes live.

Make sure any completed training is validated before migration. Your Training Advisor, Local Training Manager or Training Administrator will be able to update your training record on Compass.

Any training not recorded and validated on Compass will not migrate across to the new system, this could impact the learning you are required to complete at go-live. 

Use the ‘How your training records will migrate’ section to understand what modules you’ll need to have validated or need to complete in the new learning tool.

Preparing your Group for data migration

Find out what tasks all Groups need to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Open the tasks for groups

Preparing your District or County for data migration

Find out what tasks all Districts and Counties need to complete, to make sure their data is ready for migration

Open the tasks for Districts and Counties