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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means

Getting your data ready for the new digital system

Everything each volunteer needs to do to make sure all their information is available in the new digital system

To make sure key elements of Compass data migrate to the new digital system, we’ll lock access for approximately 2-3 weeks. This’ll be just before we go-live with the new digital system - we’re calling this ‘Compass freeze’. Compass records must be fully updated ahead of Compass freeze, so the new digital system has all the information you expect it to.

How Compass records will migrate to the new digital system

How your roles will migrate:

The details of all roles on Compass (including active and closed roles) will migrate across to the new digital system. You can go to our Changes to roles page to see how active role(s) will map across to our new teams.

When your data migrates to the new system, active roles will end at the point of data migration – roles which map across to our new teams will show automatically on the new digital system with a start date at the point of data migration.

If you have no role(s) that map across, you’ll be assigned a holding role, and your Team Leader will need to add the relevant roles when the new digital system is live. No-one’s membership will close, and length of service will be maintained through this process.

How your training records will migrate:

All recorded Wood Badges, validated adult training modules which will be needed in our new learning model and mandatory ongoing learning will migrate across to the new digital system. Any training modules not validated on Compass will not migrate to the new digital system.

When your validated training modules migrate, they will be mapped across to mark off certain parts of the new Growing Roots learning. There is learning everyone needs to complete and additional learning for volunteers in some teams. You can see what learning you’ll need to have completed based on your new role(s)/Team(s) on Our local Team pages.

The table below shows which current modules mark off which Growing Roots learning. Please note that where multiple current modules are listed these must all be completed to mark off the corresponding Growing Roots learning.

Growing Roots to Current Modules mapping image

The learning every member needs

Data Protection in Scouts marked off by

  • GDPR Modules

Creating Inclusion marked off by

  • Module 7 - Scouting for All

Who we are & What we do marked off by

  • Module 1 - Essential Information

Safe Scouting marked off by

  • Safety
  • Safeguarding

The learning some people need

Delivering a Great Programme marked off by

  • Module 3 - Tools for the Role (Section Leaders)
  • Module 12A - Delivering a Quality Programme
  • Module 12B - Programme Planning
  • Module 17 - Running Safe Activities

Leading Scout Volunteers (Excluding Welcome Conversation learning) marked off by

  • Module 4 – Tools for the role (Managers and Supporters)
  • Module 11 - Administration
  • Module 12A - Delivering a Quality Programme
  • All Core Skills Areas

Being a Trustee in Scouts marked off by

  • Trustee Introduction

*Welcome Conversation learning will map directly from the Welcome Conversation learning module on Compass. If all current modules have been validated except the Welcome Conversation learning, just this part of Leading Scout Volunteers will need to be completed in the new learning tool.

Any Growing Roots learning you need to complete for your new role(s), which cannot be marked off at migration from your current validated training modules, must be completed using the new learning tool within the following timescales:

Within 30-days of go-live, Safe Scouting must be completed. This applies to all volunteers outstanding this learning, regardless of the time left to complete this prior to migration (For example, whether a volunteer had 60-days or 5-days left to complete this ahead of migration, they’ll both have 30-days to complete this learning from go-live).

Within six months of go-live, all other Growing Roots learning must be completed. First Response is separate to Growing Roots and is not included in this.

Note - If you were non-compliant with your Getting Started training prior to Compass freeze you will remain non-compliant in the mapped learning when migrated to the new digital system and must complete your learning as soon as possible rather than using the timescales above.

How your personal details will migrate:

Almost all your data, such as your personal details, awards and permits will migrate across to the new digital system. The only data which will not migrate across from Compass is:

  • Ongoing Learning
  • Employment
  • Hobbies / Interests
  • Visibility Settings
  • Qualifications & Skills

How to update your Compass record:

The actions you need to take to make sure your record is up-to-date are organised into the three sections below:

Preparing your record for data migration

Find out what tasks every volunteer need to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Open the tasks for every volunteer

Preparing your Group for data migration

Find out what tasks all Groups need to complete, to make sure that their data is ready to migrate

Open the tasks for groups

Preparing your District or County for data migration

Find out what tasks all Districts and Counties need to complete, to make sure their data is ready for migration

Open the tasks for Districts and Counties