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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Managing my team

Video guide on how to add a new member, assign a role, create and close a sub-team and send a message to my team

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Tasks for all volunteers

Send a message to my team or unit

Start by signing in to

To send a message to your team:

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'.

2. Click 'My Teams'

Under 'My teams':

3. Under 'Actions', click 'Select'.

4. Click 'Send message'.

5. Type the subject and message in the boxes.

6. Click 'Browse' to select a file from your device to add as an attachment.

7. Click 'Submit'.

To send a message to your unit:

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'.

2. Click 'My units'.

Under the 'My teams' list:

3. Under 'Actions', click 'Select'.

4. Click 'Send message'.

5. Type the subject and message in the boxes.

6. Click 'Browse' to select a file from your device to add as an attachment.

7. Click 'Submit'.

Tasks for Lead Volunteers, Team Leaders and Chairs

Add a new member

Start by signing in to

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'.

2. Click 'My units'.

Under 'My units':

3. Under 'Actions', click 'Select' and 'Add member'.

4. Complete the mandatory fields first name, surname, date of birth, postcode and email in the boxes.

If the member you’re adding has been part of Scouts in the past and you know their membership number, change the Scouts member button to 'Yes', and type their membership number into the box.

5. Click 'Search'.

The digital tool will check if the details you provided match with any existing members. 

Option 1: If there aren’t matches for your search, or if the possible matches don’t correspond with the member you’d like to add

6. Click 'Add new member'.

7. Type country of residence.

8. Tick the acknowledgement box.

9. Click 'Add member and assign role'.

Under 'Assign new role':

10. Select District, Group, Section, team, role and start date from the dropdown menus.

11. Click 'Assign role'.

Option 2: If there’s a match for your search and it corresponds with the member you’d like to add

6. Select the member and click 'Assign role'.

Under 'Assign new role':

7. Select District, Group, Section, team, role and start date from the dropdown menus.

8. Click 'Assign role'.

Assign a role

Start by signing in to

On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Search member'.

2. In the search box, type the member’s name or membership number.

3. Under 'Actions', click 'Assign role'.

Under 'Assign new role':

5. Select the Country, Region, County, District, Group, Group Section, Team and Role from the dropdown menus.

6. Type the start date in the box. 

7. Click 'Assign role'.

End a role

Start by signing in to

On the top right (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Search member'.

2. In the search box, type the member’s name or membership number.

3. Click the member’s name to open their profile.

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right and click on the member’s name):

5. Click 'Roles'.

Under 'Actions':

6. Click 'Select' and 'End role'.

Under 'End role':

7. Select the 'Source of leaving' and 'Detailed reason for leaving' from the dropdown menus.

8. Type the comments and the effective end date in the boxes.

9. Click 'Submit request'.

Create a sub-team

Start by signing in to

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'.

2. Click 'My teams'.

Under 'My teams':

3. Under 'Actions', click 'Select and Add sub-team'.

Under 'Create sub-team':

4. Type the sub-team name in the box.

The Unit and Parent team are pre-populated.

5. Select 'Yes' or 'No' to inherit permissions from parent team.

If you need your sub-team to have the same permissions in the system as its parent team, tick 'Yes'.

6. Click 'Submit'.

A notification appears at the bottom of the screen confirming the sub-team has been added.

Please be mindful that you need to refresh your browser to see the sub-team you've created on the digital tool. 

Close a sub-team

Start by signing in to

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'.

2. Click 'My teams'.

Under 'My teams':

3. Click the team name.

Under 'Sub-teams':

4. Under 'Actions', click 'Select'.

5. Click 'Close sub-team'.

Under 'Close sub-team':

6. Click 'Submit'.

Please be mindful that it might take a few minutes for the digital tool to update and close your sub-team.

Create a new section

Start by signing in to

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'.

2. Click 'View all units'.

Under 'View all units':

3. Type the unit name where the section will be created in the search box.

4. Click 'Search'.

5. Click the unit's name.

On the left-hand menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

6. Click 'Details'.

7. Click 'Select an action' and choose 'Add unit'.

8. Complete 'Level details'.

9. Complete 'Contact details'.

10. Complete 'Meeting place details'.

11. Complete 'Correspondence address'.

12. Click 'Submit'.

Update a Section

Start by signing in to

On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):

1. Click 'Teams'. 

2. Click 'View all units'. 

On the 'View all units' page: 

3. Type the unit's name in the search box. 

4. Click 'Search'. 

5. Click the unit's name. 

On the left-hand menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right): 

6. Click 'Details'. 

7. Click 'Select an action' and select 'Update section' from the dropdown menu. 

On the ‘Update section’ page: 

8. Click ‘Level details’, ‘Contact details’, ‘Meeting place details’ or ‘Correspondence address’ to see the section’s details. 

9. Type the updated information into the text box(es). 

10. Click ‘Update’.