Manage actions
Video guide on how to view, create and edit actions
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On this page you'll find video guides helping you to:
Start by signing in to
On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Actions’.
2. Click ‘My actions’.
3. Click ‘Grid view’ or ‘Kanban board’ to select your preferred view option.
Start by signing in to
On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Actions’.
2. Click ‘Action list’.
On the ‘Action list’ page:
3. Click ‘Create’.
On the ‘Create action list’ page:
4. Type the action list name into the box.
5. Type the ‘Purpose’ into the box.
6. Select ‘Team’ from the drop-down menu.
7. Click ‘Create’.
Start by signing in to
On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Actions’.
2. Click ‘Action list’.
On the ‘Action list’ page:
3. Click the action list title.
On your action list page:
4. Click 'Create’.
On the ‘Create actions’ page:
5. Type the ‘Title’ into the box.
6. Type the ‘Action owner’ and select their name from the drop-down menu.
7. Type the ‘Due date’ into the box.
8. Select the ‘Status’ from the drop-down menu.
9. Type your ‘Notes’ into the box.
If appropriate, swipe the toggle button to ‘Allow escalations’.
10. Click ‘Create’.
A message will appear at the bottom of the page confirming you've successfully created the action.
Start by signing in to
On the left-hand side menu (if you’re using a phone, click the menu button on the top right):
1. Click ‘Actions’.
2. Click ‘Action list’.
On the ‘Action list’ page:
3. Click the action list title.
On your action list page:
4. Click the task title.
On the ‘Edit actions’ page:
5. Edit the ‘Title’, ‘Action owner’, ‘Due date’, ‘Status’ and ‘Notes’, as needed.
If you’ve completed the action, change the ‘Status’ to ‘Completed’ and type the ‘Completed date’ into the box.
6. Click ‘Update’.
A message will appear at the bottom of the page confirming you've successfully updated the action.