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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Guidance for food safety

This guidance will cover topics including the prevention of food poisoning, high risk foods and safety tips for the kitchen.



(Published May 2020, last reviewed with no updated May 2021)

This factsheet is designed to give basic guidance for food safety. There are Food Safety Laws and Regulations that affect food and food safety.

The rules are simple and straightforward and are nearly all common sense.

You can find more detailed information is available from the Food Standards Agency and their Safer Food Better Business guidance is a great place to get good supporting information.

Ideally, find someone to organise and oversee your catering need that already has some competence in food safety.

As a Group or District, you could invest in a food safety course for some of your volunteer team - many of these can be done cheaply online.