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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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The Young Leader key

Find out how to make the most of your leadership potential

Welcome to the Young Leader key.

Here you’ll find recommendations on how to make the most of your leadership journey, with advice and ideas from other Young Leaders.  

Perhaps you’re wondering how to jump in to leading your first game, or you're keen to know how to best share the skills you have? You might even want a few tips that'll help you to introduce yourself into the leadership team that you're becoming a part of. 

Take hints from this Young Leader key, then share the expectations you have for your Young Leader role with the volunteers in the section you’ve joined. They can help you grow during your time in this role, and develop the confidence, skills and teamwork needed to succeed.

The more you can tell the volunteers you're working with what you want from your Young Leader adventure, the more they can help you achieve it.

Your journey starts here

It's time to get started! You're not alone on your first steps into leadership, as some fellow Young Leaders have some tips to share.

Take your first steps >

Here are some suggested tasks that you could complete to help get you up and running as a Young Leader - from welcoming young members into the meeting to planning and running an activity yourself. 

Check out the tasks >

Sometimes it's hard to know where to start, so these conversation starters will get you going. Look at these tips to help you know what to say when you're in your role. 

Check out the conversation starters >

Do you need a quick game to fill a few minutes of your meeting? Here are some games that other Young Leaders run with their groups. 

Check out the games >
What's next?

Are you looking for your next challenge in your role? Or do you feel ready to move onto Network Scouts? There's lots more to explore in your Scouts journey. 

Find more options in Scouts >

Young People First - Orange Card

The Orange Card is a code of practice for young people. It's the policy of The Scout Association to safeguard the welfare of all members by protecting them from neglect and from physical, sexual and emotional harm.

Read the Young People First - Orange Card
Early Years learning resources

After completing your getting started modules, look at these early years learning resources. These will help you and your team learn about volunteering with this age group. You can access these at any time while volunteering with early years.

Develop your volunteering skills >
Young Leaders leading the way with Squirrels

Find out how a few other Young Leaders are getting on volunteering in their Dreys.

Read about young Squirrels volunteers >