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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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International camp staff programmes

For help or support to apply for any of these opportunities contact your County Programme Team or contact the Scout Support Centre.

Boy Scouts of America International Camp Staff Programme

Each year, the Boy Scouts of America invite Scouts aged 18-30 from around the world to come to the United States and spend the summer as an International Camp Staff member of a BSA summer camp or Cub Scout day camp.

As a camp staff member, you will:

  • Spend 8 to 11 weeks as a member of the staff of a BSA summer camp in the United States.
  • Make friends with Scouts from another country
  • Receive free food and lodging while in camp, as well as a salary.
  • Teach BSA Scouts about Scouting and life in your country.
  • Learn about another Scout Association.
  • Live in another culture.

To be a camp staff member, you must:

  • Be approved by The UK Scout Association.
  • Be aged 18-30.
  • Be able to speak English well enough to instruct Scouts in skills.
  • Be able to teach Scouting skills to Scouts in a summer camp programme.
  • Be available for at least six weeks beginning in June.
  • Agree to live by the culture and laws of the United States and by the BSA code of conduct.

To find out more and to apply visit the Boy Scouts of America website.

Suncheon Asia-Pacific Scout Centre (SAPSC)

The Korea Scout Association invite members of The Scouts and other National Scout Organisations to join them at their regional Scout Centre in Suncheon, South Korea as International Volunteers.

As an International Volunteer you will:

  • Spend 3 months as a member of the volunteer team at the Suncheon Asia-Pacific Scout Centre in South Korea
  • Make friends with Scouts from another country
  • Receive free food and lodging while in camp, as well as a living allowance and travel support fund.
  • Teach KSA Scouts about Scouting and life in your country.
  • Learn about another Scout Association.
  • Live in another culture and visit cultural sites around South Korea.
  • Gain leadership skills and take part in exclusive training developed by the Korea Scout Association.

To be a camp staff member, you must:

  • Be approved by The UK Scout Association.
  • Be aged 18-30.
  • Have graduated from/be currently enrolled at university.
  • Be able to speak English well enough to instruct Scouts in skills.

Going abroad with Scouting

Going abroad with Scouting